The Real Dragon Chapter 3647

        Just then, Jimmy in the hospital bed spoke up in surprise, “I’m seeing better! Mum! I can probably see your face clearly already mum!”

        “Really?!” Jenny was wildly happy to hear this, her eyes falling in a flood of tears.

        Although she was not a doctor or an expert in the field of medicine, she was, after all, a top Ivy League graduate and a high achiever.
he hh
She knew that the reason why her son could not see was because the visual nerve had been compressed by a tumour.

        So it was clear to her now that since her son was gradually regaining his vision, this was proof that the tumour that was compressing his visual nerve had, in all probability, gone into remission!

        She choked up and said, “That’s wonderful! That’s wonderful!”

        With great strength in his hands, Jimmy lifted his right arm, which still had an IV tube and oxygen monitor, and gently wiped the tears from the corner of his mother’s eyes, saying, “Don’t cry, Mum, you should be happy that I’m getting better!”

        Jimmy was able to lift his arm and wipe away the tears from the corner of Jenny’s eyes with such precision that everyone looked on in amazement.

        The attending doctor slapped his face and said to himself, “Am I hallucinating something ……”

        Smith was so excited at this point that he rushed to his heels, crouched down in front of his son and asked him, “Jimmy, can you see Daddy’s face?”

        Jimmy spoke up, “Daddy, above your nose, why is there a red lump ……”

        Smith subconsciously touched the bump on his nose, also like his wife, could not help but tear up and choked up, “Daddy may have some endocrine disorder in the past two days, it doesn’t matter, it will be fine in a few days.”

        Saying that, he grabbed his son’s hand and cried, “Jimmy, you can finally see mommy and daddy’s face …… I thought you would never see us again in your life ……”

        At this point, the whole ward was on the verge of exploding.

        All the specialists were talking in twos and threes with their heads down, shock and disbelief written all over their faces.

        The attending doctor muttered, “How did …… it actually happen …… Even if it was really hormones that could bring back a person’s state, it could never have brought back the compressed optic nerve along with it! The recovery of vision must have been caused by the tumor becoming smaller to relieve the compression …… but this is too fast ……”

        The other experts were even more amazed.

        These are all people who have been fighting cancer for decades, and they have each tackled a variety of cancer categories, from head to toe, from front to back, from inside to outside, with extremely rich cancer-related experience.

        But the more experience they had, the more they couldn’t see what was happening before them.

        It was a reversal of all the experience they had accumulated over the decades.

        At this moment, the attending doctor hurriedly said to the a*sistant beside him, “Hurry up and inform the nuclear medicine centre, tell the doctors in charge of PET-CT to get ready and give Jimmy a full body scan!”

        PET-CT is different from ordinary CT in that it can scan the entire body of a patient, and can obtain tomographic images of every aspect of the body at once, making it the best choice for examining the whole body of a cancer patient for tumours.

        It is only through this means that the doctor can get a complete picture of the tumour in Jimmy’s body in the shortest possible time and see exactly what is going on now.

        Plus Jimmy has been in this hospital for most of his treatment, and this hospital has his CT images from every stage over the years, with the most recent scan just over half a month ago.

        So, by rushing to take another full body scan and comparing the results with the one from half a month ago, we could find out exactly what had happened to the cancer cells in his body, exactly!