The Rockstar Chapter 355

In just two lines, the audience on stage tacitly offered applause, another classic across the board, Li Tiezhu deserves to be Li Tiezhu.
A man who dared to sing an original in “I am the singer”.
If it wasn’t for the fact that Li Tiezhu sang while trying to press his hand down, I’m afraid the applause would have lasted for a long time.
Singer and host Gu Daji, shook his head breathlessly, this kind of person is not fire, it is difficult to tolerate, even if you write a slightly mediocre song, ah, to give other singers a way to live ah!
The pop-up screen also frantically called:
“Li Tiezhu is still the same Li Tiezhu.”
“Social, social!”
“Going crazy!”
“Single song loop, I’ll go buy this song tomorrow.”
“My God! Chinese style is really the most beautiful.”
“This warm and hazy feeling can only be expressed by the Chinese style, right?”
“I’m kneeling down to listen to the song, is that okay with everyone?”
“No high notes! No high notes! No high notes!”
“An alternative to the singer’s stage.”
“Who says you can’t stab someone without a gunshot (treble)?”
“Listen drunk.”
“Song Zhu’er: I hanzi, awesome, right? Take the body for it.”
In the lounge, the singers were also shocked by Li Tiezhu’s song, without the slightest exaggeration, except for Han Hong, they were all listening to Li Tiezhu’s original song live for the first time.
Sun Nan directly wanted to spray expletives, “I times …… I go! This is too strong, isn’t it?”
Zhang Liying: “I’ll turn around and force him to write me a song, if he doesn’t, I’ll curse him for eating instant noodles without seasoning packets!”
Huang Liangling said enviously, “Are you guys very close?”
“We’re from the same hometown, we even ate hot pot together in Kyoto a few days ago.”
“That’s great, then please help me beg for a song as well, okay?”
Han Hong said, “This kid, he just turned down the invitation from ‘Chinese Good Song’ before coming to us.”
Sun Nan: “Why? It feels more appropriate to go to Good Song, he can write anyway.”
Han Hong smiled with extra pride and even floated a bit, “He said that if he went to Good Songs, it wouldn’t be fair to the other contestants.”
Sun Nan: “Bull ……”
What do you mean by crazy? This is what is f*cking called crazy!
Yan Bing was still unconvinced and had been listening to the song with full attention, he was talented and a good song writer.
So, every time he listened to Li Tiezhu sing a sentence, he had to instantly think of the next sentence in his head, if he would how to write. Every time, he was bursting with inspiration, and was self-conscious that he was quite resistant to tearing, but, every time, he was stormed by Li Tiezhu’s next sentence, and was completely outmatched.
Listening, Yan Bing already had some anger on his face.
Li Tiezhu was still narrating, without any sign of wanting to soar high pitched. Even though Liang Xiaobo has repeatedly reminded him that he must be flaming and exploding, Li Tiezhu remains unmoved. Because, I am not a street vendor, I am a singer.
Li Tiezhu sang with dedication and enjoyment, this perfect soundtrack, high quality sound effects, singing here is really enjoyable. Compared with the singer, the good voice that is simply a straw man, Li Tiezhu was often playing the guitar to sing in the beginning ……
The facsimile is easy to write and the ink fragrance does not retreat with you to stay with the aftertaste
A line of vermilion sand in the end circle who
It’s not about the wind and the moon, I’ll write the preface and wait for you to come back
I’ll be waiting for you to come back.
What is the meaning of the word “love”? How can I write it wrong?
But I’m the only one who lacks your lifelong understanding
On the big screens on both sides of the studio, the lyrics were displayed in real time, and the audience listened to the song and read the words that flowed as unpredictable and elegant as water, unconsciously intoxicated.
It is only the words of my China that have this kind of flavour.
After a section of singing, the audience spontaneously began to applaud, thinking, the interlude is coming, suitable for applause.
It’s not about the wind and the moon I’ll write the preface and wait for you to return
I’m waiting for you to come back.
“How can I say the word “love” when I can’t write it right?
And I’m the only one who lacks your lifelong understanding.
The audience froze. Is this theatre? Or is it rap?
It’s really good!
Next to the stage, Gu Da Ji suddenly just raised an eyebrow, a shocked face, and then revealed a heartfelt smile, that’s awesome! First time I’ve heard this kind of singing.
Zhang Liying and Huang Liangling froze, Sun Nan tsked.
Yan Bing, with a face of resentment, was nodding his head, even unconsciously clapping softly, Why didn’t I think of this? It can still be like this? He even hummed along.
Han Hong: “Peking Opera accent, tsk tsk …… This kid, always surprising.”
The pop-ups were even blowing up:
“Where are those who like rap? Come out and take a couple of steps!”
“This is the real rap.”
“Absolutely beautiful!”
“I dare say that not many of those who play rap can do this difficult theatre rap.”
“A song that can make people drunk from listening.”
“The lyrics look dumbfounded, bow a handful of months? Hanging pen a great!!!”
“It’s well known that Li Tiezhu is a scum.”
“Just outrageous ……”
“China to beauty!”
“Li Tiezhu played the singer as a good voice!”
“So handsome!”
The live camera even gave Li Tiezhu’s agent, Zhang Xiaomeng, who had a haughty smile on his face and slowly nodded his head along with the rhythm.
The programme agent, Liang Tianyi, was even more glowing, only feeling that the man on stage was radiant at this moment, handsome to the heavens. His face is easy to pass away, but only his amazing talent will never be lost in the dust!
Rap finished, Li Tiezhu closed his eyes, singing intoxicated:
People geese flying south turn around a glimpse of you in tears
How can I sleep with a handful of moon and memories in my hand?
And how can you complain about your embroidered shoes?
If the flower complains about the butterfly, who will you complain about?
It’s not about the wind and the moon. I’ll write a preface and wait for you to come back.
I’ll write a poem about the waves on the shore
The handwriting is free of shame and fear of right and wrong
The rain has been beating the banana leaves for a few more nights
I’m waiting for the spring thunder to remind you who you love
After the song was sung, Li Tiezhu still closed his eyes and silently waited for the music to end.
Applause has come from all over the world, Li Tiezhu just stood silently, slightly hanging his head, not yet completely detached from the mood of the song. This was a technique he had learnt at Nortel during this period of time, his first attempt at emotional singing, substituting himself into the plot of the song.
Judging by what he heard through the ear returns, the effect was good.
“I announce that Li Tiezhu kicked off successfully!”
“If this N*gga can’t even get the top four, then it’s speechless.”
“This song is too beautiful!”
“The lyrics are too classic.”
“It’s hard to imagine that a singer can be so uninspiring, every song is classic, never mediocre, despicable! Dog head.”
“Ugh! Serious brother is singing something good again, I want to hear a sand sculpture song.”
It is a person who knows this song, how difficult it is, except for Li Tiezhu’s song, haven’t heard a good new song for years? In this era where the inspiration of the older generation of songwriters is drying up, coming out with a Li Tiezhu is simply a drought.
This song is not good, it is – beautiful! Only beautiful! Absolute beauty! Oriental beauty.
Following “East Wind Break”, another song, “The Lanting Preface”, allowed everyone to witness the rise of Li Tiezhu, the first person in national wind.
During the break, the singers were also overwhelmed by Li Tiezhu’s talent and expressed their feelings about the song. Among them, Yan Bing, who was the most unconvinced by Li Tiezhu, was the most enthusiastic, being the same composer, he realised how difficult it was to write such a good song.
And outside the screen, hundreds of millions of viewers were also all in awe of the song, even if the other singers sang extremely well, they couldn’t hide Li Tiezhu’s brilliance, this is the original ah!
Song Zhu’er did not return to the cottage, no Li Tiezhu back to do what? She deliberately with the whole dormitory as well as the dog leg Xu Jia Zhen together, watching the “I am the singer” live broadcast.
After Li Tiezhu finished this song, Song Zhu’er directly jumped up, one foot on the chair, screaming: “Who else? Who else?”
Xu Jiayan: “Tiezhu is the most awesome!”
The remaining three housemates were also deeply shocked, even though they had known that Li Tiezhu was a musical talent, the first time they saw Li Tiezhu parachuting into the stage of the expert singers in such a domineering way, they were also swept away.
Zhao Liya finished her homework early, and watched Li Tiezhu sing a new song in front of the TV, with a sad face, why can’t I write a song with such a beautiful melody?
Liu Wanyun blew Li Tiezhu away the whole time, and after she finished singing, she crossed her legs: ”Hmph! Kick-off success! The top three didn’t run, in fact, in my personal opinion, he can take the title this period.”
Zhao Liya was silent, he heard the flaws in Li Tiezhu’s singing, but she was well versed in the philosophy that a good girl doesn’t fight with her mother.
Zhao Muye didn’t understand, “The song is good, it’s just that the singing is too average, it’s a pity.”
Liu Wan Yun backhanded Zhao Liya and slapped her, “What do you know! This is called natural, pure and unadorned! What’s so good about singing with pure skills piled on top of each other? These famous singers, they all know how to sing high notes, is it interesting? Soprano is a kind of emotion. It’s embarrassing to sing so hard when the emotion is not there! It’s not heartfelt. See how heartfelt my Tie Zhu is? It’s called empathy, and you’re a music professor! Scum!”
Zhao Liya grimaced in pain and gave the old man a sign.
Zhao Muye touched his face, wanting to dislike, saw his daughter secretly made a neck wiping movement, suddenly woke up, almost died again, living is not good?
A cold sweat, Zhao Muye shivered, his daughter-in-law grew up from primary school military boxing, the hand is not light or heavy.
After bowing to the audience on three sides, Li Tiezhu said thank you and walked off the stage.
Gu Da Ji walked onto the stage, first wiping the sweat from his forehead and shaking his hand: ”I’m sweating! It’s too horrible! The newcomers nowadays don’t give us old people a chance to live, huh?”
The audience guffawed.
Gu Da Ji was still spitting, “Li Tie Zhu! I really want to say something to you, there’s a difference between kicking and smashing!”
The audience laughed, it was too apt.
Li Tiezhu kicked the pavilion too hard, there was no difference between kicking the pavilion and smashing the venue.
Li Tiezhu awkwardly bowed towards Gu Da Ji, scratched his head, and followed the beautiful sister Liang Tianyi into the passage.
Liang Tianyi: “Oye! The door is open! Tiezhu you’re amazing, even though I’ve heard this song in rehearsal long ago, I still have to say that this is the best you’ve ever sung!”
Li Tiezhu: “I’m a competition type singer.”
Liang Tianyi opened her arms, “Give me a hug to celebrate a good collaboration!”
Li Tiezhu was embarrassed: “Men and women are not related ……”
Liang Tianyi: “Hahaha …… you’re so cute!”
She added in her heart, no wonder Song Zhu’er can’t hold it, if I were to change it, I wouldn’t be able to hold it either!
On stage, Gu Da Ji was still shaking his head, “I just received a notice from the programme team, and I’d like to specially explain to everyone that if Li Tie Zhu kicks off the competition successfully, he’ll be competing with an original song in each of the later matches.”
The stage boiled over like a three hundred degree frying pan.
Gu Da Ji explained, “The rule of this programme is that, except for the first song, every singer who competes in the competition is not allowed to sing a song that he or she has sung before. However, Li Tiezhu can drill a loophole, and his newly written song is not one he has sung before. In fact, everyone can drill this loophole, but …… huh, anyway, I can’t afford to drill!”
That’s right, apart from Jay Stick and Lin Jiangnan, I guess there are not many people in the whole of China who can afford to drill.

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