The Rockstar Chapter 369

Li Tiezhu’s fans once again put him on top of the favourites, but instead of expressing comfort at his delight in being in the bottom of the list, the fans ridiculed to their hearts’ content:
“Tie Zhu, is it exciting to be hanging on to the bottom?”
“The Brightest Star in the Night Sky is Li Tiezhu himself!”
“I’ll bet 50 cents that Serious Brother is eliminated next period.”
“Why sing such a good song to take the seventh, Li Tiezhu, have you realised?”
“Let you engage in flirty manoeuvres!”
“I’m happy to see you ranked badly.”
“Tie Zhu don’t cry, stand up and jerk off.”
“I’m a singer, what’s a harmonic star like you doing on this show?”
“Li Tiezhu your teacher taught you to go back to class.”
These are Li Tiezhu’s real fans, there are some that are obviously not, although they are also dissing Li Tiezhu, but it feels completely wrong:
“Huh! This is the King of Good Voice?”
“Revealing the prototype, right?”
“Don’t even know how you became popular.”
“I heard that Penguin raised a team of a dozen composers in order to promote him.”
“No wonder, I said how can someone write songs so fast.”
“Nowadays, these stars are getting more and more without any lower limits.”
For these bad comments, Li Tiezhu didn’t care at all, he didn’t even look at the ones commented by Shake Shack, and the ones that scolded him in private messages were even less, wasting traffic.
However, the “I am the singer” programme group can not sit back and watch, this is not Li Tiezhu alone, but about the fairness of the singer’s problem, must support Li Tiezhu a hand.
So, they sent the interviews that were not used in the main film to Jitterbug, which was the interview at the time of the vote, a total of three interviewees, the big mum, the middle-aged man and the little girl.
Auntie: “What? Of course I like Li Tiezhu, but I voted for Han Hong.”
Host: “Why didn’t you vote for Li Tiezhu?”
Big Mum: “My Tie Zhu will win for sure, he wrote this song so well. I’m going to support him the brightest star in the night sky!”
Saying that, the big mum also compared a square dance shape, slightly enchanting.
The host then asked the middle-aged man: “Of these seven singers today, who is your favourite?”
Middle-aged man: “Li Tiezhu ah, most like his song ‘Chasing Dreams Red Heart’, I am that rabbit fan. Although I’m old, I was still touched.”
Host: “So, are you going to vote for Li Tiezhu?”
Middle-aged man shook his head, “Li Tiezhu is not bad for my vote, I am voting for big sister Han Hong, she is too positive! Also, thank him for helping Li Tiezhu.”
Host: “Do you guys trust Li Tiezhu so much? What if he loses?”
Middle-aged man: “Impossible! What kind of joke is this? Li Tiezhu wrote and sang a good song today, how could he lose? You’re so humorous.”
Finally, the host asked a pretty little girl, “Sister, who is your favourite singer in this game?”
Little girl: “Li Tiezhu.”
“Why? Don’t all of us girls like high-faced love beans?”
“Tie Zhu may not be good looking, but he has a good body.”
“What about eight-pack abs, and his pectoral muscles are also very shapely! Ahem …… Also, I came from Xiao Zhen Cutting, who said that Tie Zhu was the bright light of his life. I chased it for a bit and then I got hooked ……”
“So would you have voted for Li Tiezhu?”
“I would have, but the song he sang said that teacher Han Hong is his bright light, that’s the bright light of the bright light of my love beans, I’ll vote for Auntie Han Hong this time. Anyway, there are so many people who voted for Li Tiezhu, it doesn’t matter if it’s one vote less.”
The title of this video is:
“Those untold stories behind Li Tiezhu’s ranking.”
After this video was sent out, everyone finally figured out that it wasn’t the viewers who were deaf, but Li Tiezhu himself who lifted a stone and smashed his own foot. He wrote a great song, made the best vocal performance to interpret it and used it to praise Teacher Han Hong, and then, his fans followed his advice and ran to vote for Han Hong.
It doesn’t matter if one person is like that, it doesn’t matter if two are like that, but three are problematic, and many of the people who weren’t interviewed should have been of the same mentality.
In the end, they botched it and got Li Tiezhu to go seventh.
Li Tiezhu’s fans went crazy under this video, mocking and @Li Tiezhu.
Fans have followed Li Tie Zhu from the Voice battle of life and death a year ago, and are used to seeing big scenes, so they don’t take this kind of painless “competition” for singers seriously.
The Voice is out of the game, basically out of the singing world, but the singer will not.
However, some people have a strange thought process: “So, the one who really ranked last was actually Sun Nan?”
The next day, Sun Nan’s agent, Wu Lin, was interviewed at the time of a conference, shouting at Li Tiezhu, with sunglasses, his attitude was unusually strong:
“As a newcomer with little basic skills, what qualifications does Li Tiezhu have to point fingers at an old artist like Sun Nan? Maliciously commenting? What’s wrong with Sun Nan’s soprano? There’s no problem at all, he’s the best tenor singer in all of China! What? The programme team lets singers critique each other? Don’t pretend to understand, and don’t spray for the sake of spraying. If you don’t have anything to say about Sun Nam’s singing, you can keep quiet, no one will treat you as a mute. When commenting on others, first look at yourself to see if you are qualified!”
No one knew where this one got such a big fire, as an agent, there was no need to accept interviews, and even less need to stir up disputes between artists.
The video of Wu Lin angrily disliking Li Tiezhu was put on Jitterbug and quickly caught fire.
There was a part that agreed with him, feeling that Li Tiezhu, as a newcomer, was not respecting his old-timers enough by saying that Sun Nan’s soprano was not good during the live broadcast.
However, the vast majority of people were quite supportive of Li Tiezhu, because they all knew that Li Tiezhu was a mouthful, and besides, Li Tiezhu didn’t say anything wrong, and Han Hong also raised the issue of Sun Nan’s soprano.
The most upsetting thing for everyone is the attitude of Sun Nan’s agent, bossing him around as if his family Sun Nan is a god that cannot be blasphemed.
The comment section was very lively:
“Who is this person? Can a blind man be an agent these days?”
“Saying that Li Tiezhu is not qualified to comment on Sun Nan, then what qualifications do you have to comment on Li Tiezhu?”
“I’ll stand up to Serious Brother on this one.”
“There’s a reason why your artiste hasn’t made it big even after twenty years in the business.”
“Because he met a strange manager.”
“When it comes to soprano, I prefer Li Tiezhu, ‘Big Fish’ and ‘A Diao’.”
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“This one looks so disgusting.”
“Sorry everyone, I forgot to zip up.”
Li Tiezhu, who had already returned to the Kyoto villa, also knew about this matter, but didn’t pay any attention to it. As for what Sun Nan’s agent said about writing, he didn’t want to respond, he was busy working on the script, how could he have the free time to sneak around the cat and tease the dog?
The script of “Soldier Assault” has made it to the eleventh episode.
Li Tiezhu’s unwillingness to pay attention does not mean that Song Zhu’er can tolerate it, Tie Touwa directly sent a jittery video, naming Wu Lin.
“Wulin, right? Since when do cats and dogs have the qualifications to comment on whether Li Tiezhu commented correctly or not? Soprano? What do you mean by soprano? Does ‘A Diao’ count? Does “Big Fish” count? Isn’t it higher than “Hydrogen Balloon”? My Tie Zhu is not a tenor. Do you know why? Because your singer only has a soprano voice! Unlike my Tie Zhu, he’s a good soprano, alto and bass! He writes and sings rock, ballad, rap and Chinese style. A singer who wrote half of the Chinese music scene last year, and doesn’t know music? You don’t know music? You don’t know soprano? I’m afraid you can’t leave your sunglasses because of your glaucoma! If you have the ability to take off your sunglasses and speak, forget about it if it’s too ugly, I have a phobia of ugly P*ssies.”
Song Zhu’er’s dislike is never so hearty, Shake fans shouted out, and gave Song Zhu’er likes and comments to retweet.
It is not important to be right or wrong, it is necessary to be this kind of old head iron is to dare to just positive momentum.
Li Tiezhu’s fans are even more in love, such a protective female ticket, simply not too cute.
Then, Wulin and Song Zhu’er barred, back and forth on the jitterbug dislike each other for a week, until the second round of the competition began also did not stop. The reason why they didn’t dislike each other on the scarf is because Song Zhu’er was blocked by the scarf last year ah.
This tug-of-war mutual abuse, there is no doubt that Song Zhu’er occupies the absolute upper hand, rather than mutual abuse, it is more like a hanging.
First of all, Song Zhu’er occupies the advantage of justice, is the programme group let Li Tiezhu review, and Li Tiezhu and Han Hong review basically the same. Secondly, Song Zhu’er’s fighting strength is amazing, and she can curse people out every time. Finally, the netizens’ eyes are bright, this matter is in the end, Sun Nan agent to take the qualification to press people, the attitude of arrogance and savagery.
It was Friday again, 11th November, the Bachelor’s Day.
The seven singers met again in the lounge and greeted each other.
Li Tiezhu as always humble, to each singer and very respectful, not because he is senior shallow, in the eyes of Li Tiezhu these are uncles and aunts generation, of course, to respect.
It is so simple.
“Aunt Han Hong! Why are your eyes dark? Did you go to the mountains again this week?”
“Uncle, why do you have dark circles under your eyes too? Oh yes, you always have dark circles under your eyes ……”
“Sister Liangling, are you poisoned? Why are your lips purple?”
“Good day Uncle Da Ji! Have you eaten yet?”
“Uncle Yan Bing, I heard you’re writing a new song?”
Finally, Li Tiezhu came in front of Sun Nan, and the rest of the singers also looked over, the online scolding between Sun Nan’s manager and Li Tiezhu’s girlfriend this week had become so well known that everyone was rumouring that Li Tiezhu and Sun Nan didn’t get along.
Even Sun Nan himself was a little embarrassed.
Li Tiezhu smiled nervously: ”Old man, why are you dark again? And also fattened up. Didn’t you say you work out every day? How can you still be fat?”
Doesn’t exist, my girlfriend cursed them?
What does Song Zhu’er cursing have to do with me, Li Tiezhu? Just pull out, we are two separate individuals, do not mix us up.
Sun Nan is far less comfortable than Li Tiezhu, forced a smile and said, “Recently, I got the arranger, and worked out a little less ……”
Li Tiezhu: “What’s wrong with that? I also take classes, write scripts and songs every day, look at me, I run five thousand metres relentlessly every day.”
Sun Nan: “Ah! Is that so? You’re really great. Sister Hong, what’s the state today?”
Really not wanting to talk to Li Tiezhu, Sun Nan found an excuse and slipped away.
Liang Tianyi said quietly at Li Tiezhu: “Your girlfriend is really great! It’s so relieving, watching the video of her cursing, I laughed like crazy.”
Li Tiezhu said, “What’s wrong with that? She also likes to fight, the day before yesterday she finally beat up Guan Shuangshuang, and was refreshed for the whole day.”
Then, the match started, and this match was destined to attract attention.
As soon as the live broadcast started, the pop-up screen swiped the screen:
“Tie Tou Wa is here, who dares to P*ssyfoot around?”
“Tie Tou Wa is supervising the battle ……”
These were the fans of Li Tiezhu and Song Zhu’er, while Sun Nan’s fans started spraying Li Tiezhu.
Although the atmosphere of the live pop-ups was discordant, the competition went smoothly, as this was an elimination round, so every singer pulled out all the stops and showed their skills.
Li Tiezhu sang “The Wind is Gathering”, which once again amazed the audience, and everyone lamented that it was another divine song.
When Li Tiezhu finished his song and returned to the lounge, the singers who finished their songs first came to give Li Tiezhu a high-five, the singing world is ranked by seniority, but rely more on strength and works.
Li Zijian and Yan Bing were most enthusiastic about Li Tiezhu.
Li Zijian said, “This song of yours made me not think, I heard you sing it in Shake, tried to expand it, and felt good about myself, but compared to what you sang today, I feel that the gap is a little too big.”
Li Tiezhu: “Uncle you flatter me.”
Yan Bing: “I also wrote it! I think I can take it out and humiliate Li Tiezhu yet.”
Li Zijian: “Then take it out.”
Yan Bing: “No. To take it out now is to humiliate myself. Li Tiezhu is really a tough guy, he writes songs when he says he will, and he writes a new song for every episode. Admirable!”
Li Zijian said, “I also admire ruthless people the most.”
Yan Bing: “There’s a segment on the internet that says there are three kinds of ruthless people in life. One is the one who gets up as soon as the alarm clock goes off, one who never takes his mobile phone with him when he goes to the toilet, and one who writes songs at the drop of a hat like Li Tiezhu.”
Li Zijian: “There’s another kind that’s even more ruthless.”
Yan Bing: “What?”
Li Zijian: “The kind that gets up to go to the toilet as soon as the alarm goes off, doesn’t bring a mobile phone and still writes songs, and, after pooping, flushes it straight away without even looking at it.”
Yan Bing: “Who’s so mean? After pooping don’t even look at it?”
Li Tiezhu: “Why should I take a look? Will it come to life with a glance?”
Li Zijian: “……”
Yan Bing: “……”
Liang sweet was behind Li Tiezhu, listening to them chatting about heavy topics, and straightly covered her nose. In the end, she couldn’t help but say, “So, Tie Zhu, are you the kind of ruthless person that Jian said you are?”
Li Zijian: “Obviously yes, those who write songs know that they are often inspired when they go to the toilet.
Yan Bing: “Right!”
On the other side, Sun Nan signalled them to keep their voices down, Huang Liangling had already started singing.
Soon, the last singer, Huang Liangling, finished singing and another round of voting began, the singers were more or less worried even though they were chatting quite a lot in the lounge.
Twenty minutes later, after Mr Hong Bo’s toothpaste-like announcement, most of the rankings for this period came out.
Second Huang Liangling
Third Daiki Koo
Fourth Li Zijian
Fifth Sun Nan
Sixth Han Hong
Hong Bo took a sip of Thousand Year Old Mountain: “So, Li Tie Zhu and Yan Bing, one is the first place winner of this period, and the other is the seventh place winner of this period. If, Li Tiezhu gets seventh, he will be eliminated directly. If Li Tiezhu gets the first place, then we will have to combine the votes from the two periods to re-rank them, and the singer with the least number of votes will bid farewell to the stage of ‘I Am A Singer’.”
The singers held their breath, here it comes, here comes the crucial moment ……
Hong Bo asked Li Tiezhu, “Do you think you’re number one or number seven?”

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