The Rockstar Chapter 370

“Do you think you’re number one or number seven?”
This question, is really too tricky, no one will have the cheek to answer that they are the first, but likewise, having taken the seventh in the last round, they don’t dare to take the seventh again in this round.
If you were a normal person, it would only be difficult to answer, but Li Tiezhu is generally not a person.
Therefore, Li Tiezhu said, “Are you stupid?”
Hong Bo: “Huh????”
Other singers and partners also looked at Li Tiezhu, what? You can’t afford to lose? It’s just a programme effect!
Li Tie Zhu slowly said, “If I was seventh wouldn’t I have been eliminated?”
Hong Bo: “Right! So I’ll let you guess.”
Li Tie Zhu: “If I’m eliminated if I’m seventh, then everyone can just switch off the TV next, and they don’t even have to look at the combined scores of the next two rounds. With a character as cheap as yours, if I’m seventh, you should be playing it like this, first place let’s guess if it’s Li Tiezhu, who was last in the last period, second place if it’s Li Tiezhu, and third place if it’s not him …… So I’m pretty sure that I’m the first place.”
This has nothing to do with being smart or not, Li Tiezhu is now 95 points of intelligence value, which belongs to the lower middle, but it can’t be helped that he knows too much about Hong Bo’s bitchiness.
The rest of the singers also woke up to the fact that Li Tiezhu’s seventh words couldn’t possibly be taken to the very beginning to say.
Yan Bing also applauded with a bitter smile, ”Excellent! Director Hong you can’t do this intellectually.”
Hong Bo: “Ah …… me this, also did not think.”
Li Tiezhu stood up and dejectedly danced a shoulder shaking dance, “Ah oh ~ eh ah fizzle deh ah fizzle deh ~ ah fizzle deh cackle deh cackle deh ~ ah fizzle deh ah fizzle deh cackle deh cackle deh cackle deh cackle deh ……”
This paragraph is the system audition heard, too brainwashing, so Li Tiezhu remembered.
Li Zijian couldn’t help it, “F*ck! What song are you singing? A new song?”
Li Tiezhu: “Disturbed!”
Li Zijian: “It should be renamed ‘Deception’ to be more apt.”
Li Tiezhu: “Okay, just listen to uncle.”
The pop-up screen got high again:
“Serious brother is overbearing! Come three instalments, two firsts and a penultimate first!”
“A decent person will never be meticulous, either first or penultimate.”
“Worthy of being Ayn Peira Lee! Really strong.”
“If this song ‘The Wind Rises’ doesn’t get a good score, there’s something wrong.”
“The last issue was just an oops, okay? All went to vote for Han Hong.”
“Indeed the last issue was laughable!”
“Where’s the best tenor? Come out and take two steps.”
“Don’t blacken Sun Nam, okay? He’s still good, it’s just the agent ……”
“That broker is really hard to say.”
“Li Tiezhu this dejected song a little something oh.”
“Another divine song a, on the outrageous, Li Tiezhu is squatting a trip to the toilet to write a song?”
“Tiehouwa deeply gratified!”
“No one said? The Orchid Pavilion Sequence, The Brightest Star in the Night Sky, The Wind Rises, another classic rhythm ah!”
“I suspect that Li Tiezhu isn’t here to appear on the show, he’s here to write a new album.”
“No need to suspect, he is.”
Han Hong Bean’s brain circuits ran for half a minute before he was pleasantly surprised, “That is to say, Li Tiezhu is seventh in the first instalment of a first instalment, basically ensuring that he won’t be eliminated?”
Han Bo had no choice but to look bitter, “Yes. Li Tiezhu got the first vote in this period, so he’s safe, while Yan Bing is ranked seventh in this game.”
It was Sun Nan’s and Yan Bing’s turn to be apprehensive, the original last place Li Tiezhu suddenly ran first, and the two of them were sitting on wax. Although Sun Nan was sixth, he didn’t necessarily have more votes than Yan Bing.
Yan Bing folded his hands, “Please, audience members, give me a chance, I’m going to sing an original song to PK with Li Tiezhu in the next match, give me a chance to duel with him!”
Li Zijian said, “You’re singing an original? Why didn’t you say so before? Let’s talk about it after the vote, the audience is all gone.”
Yan Bing: “I …… didn’t expect it! Lost ah!”
Li Zijian: “Then it would be quite unfair if you were eliminated this period.”
Yan Bing: “I feel …… a bit bad ……”
Hong Bo had to conclude, “So, Li Tiezhu is out of the danger zone, and Han Hong, who was sixth in this period and was the winner last period, is also not in danger. Then, only Sun Nan, who was sixth last period, and Yan Bing, who is seventh this period, are left in the elimination zone.”
Sun Nan also tensed up and kept quiet with a dark face.
Yan Bing: “Brother Nan, the two of us are now in a difficult position.”
Sun Nan forced a smile, “The audience voted for us, it’s fine, we’re not professional judges.”
Yan Bing froze, what kind of logic is this? The audience is not better than the professional judges? The judges buy your albums? Do they buy your albums? Do they watch your concerts?
Hong Bo said: “Yan Bing was fourth in the last issue, seventh in this issue. Sun Nan was sixth last time and fifth this time. In terms of average ranking, both of them are 5.5, tied. And, what I can tell you is that the difference between the two of them in terms of total votes for the two periods is only three votes.”
Yan Bing: “There’s suspense, there’s suspense, you take a sip of water, don’t rush.”
Hong Bo who was taking the water was suddenly embarrassed, he put the water down again and said, “The singer who got the least votes, I personally appreciate his talent, he ……”
Yan Bing raised his hand, “I know, I was eliminated! Talent, I’m still slightly better than Nan.”
Sun Nan: “……”
Hong Bo also froze, what happened to this Yan Bing? Why has Li Tiezhu been transformed?
“Erm …… yes, combining the two rounds of voting, the one with the least votes is Yan Bing. Therefore, the singer to leave this session is him.”
Now, Sun Nan wasn’t angry with Yan Bing, I’ll damn well let you have talent.
The suspense was finally revealed, and on the live streaming pop-ups, many of Yan Bing’s fans and neutral fans were calling out for him, but it couldn’t change the ending.
The singers and co-stars also hugged Yan Bing goodbye, looking saddened.
The five short episodes of the show have been thrilling, but they have also allowed the singers to get to know each other better, with Yan Bing often running off to help others with arrangements and suggestions, and generally being a very warm-hearted person.
Yan Bing finally hugged Li Tiezhu and said, “You wait for me, not to be eliminated! Wait for me to resurrect the race …… is resurrected, ah? The breakout race ah! Wait for me to kill back with original songs in the final round! At that time, I will fight with you again.”
Li Tiezhu laughed: “Okay, brother, I’ll wait for you.”
“My new song is also a Chinese style song, it’s awesome yo! You’ll know it by then!”
With that, Yan Bing left in style.
Next, it was time for the remaining six singers to draw their keywords, and the next instalment was even more exciting than the elimination rounds, it was the kick-off round again. If the kick-off singer succeeded in the kick-off, another one would be eliminated, just like Li Tiezhu came to squeeze out Zhang Liying.
The sixth Han Hong drew the keyword “you”.
The fifth Sun Nan’s keyword is “suddenly”.
Fourth Li Zijian got the keyword “hand”.
The third keyword is “time”.
Second Huang Liangling’s “Hello”.
The first place Li Tiezhu drew the keyword is particularly interesting, to Li Tiezhu are confused, it is – “mother”.
Hong Bo were confused: “You this …… has nothing to do with the programme group ah, we can not target you, it is your own draw. I must state that we put twenty slips of paper in this box, each choreographer writes one and puts it in, no one knows what anyone else writes …… So, Tie Zhu! Condolences.”
Li Tiezhu: “So, is the show called ‘I Am Mom’? I’ve already sung two songs about mothers in a row! Are you done? It’s just a bunch of nonsense!”
He was so angry, his dialect came out.
The rest of the singers also snickered, Li Tiezhu’s luck is no one else.
Han Hong said to Li Tiezhu: “Why don’t we change it, you are really a little excessive …… I just recognised my mother, it is considered to restore the relationship, let me sing a song for her.”
Li Tiezhu shook her head, she knew that Aunt Han Hong and her mother were even less easy, said, “No change. Don’t worry Auntie, I’ll write, I’ll write the happiest and funniest song for my mother.”
On the side, Li Zijian said to his partner Shen Meng, “Look! 3D printing is here again.”
Shen Meng: “It’s not that evil, is it? Still coming? The next song surely can’t be better, ‘The Brightest Star in the Night Sky’ and ‘The Wind Rises’ are so strong, how can it get better?”
Li Zijian: “3D printing is not about being fast, but about being stable, so it should still be just as good.”
Shen Meng: “Brother Jian, you won’t be so devastated that you don’t want to write songs, right?”
Li Zijian sneered, “How can that be? Geniuses like them write songs with no sense of experience, biu comes out in a flash, there’s no joy to be had. Unlike us, writing a song is similar to carrying a baby in October, and we can be happy for half a year after putting in all the effort to write a good song. What is the most important thing for people? It’s to please yourself. Lastingly pleasing yourself!”
Shen Meng didn’t dare to speak, the reasoning is this reasoning, but my brother Tao doesn’t allow me to do it on my own to fend for myself ah.
Viewers have expressed love when they saw Li Zijian’s strange remarks, this goods looks a serious, I did not expect it to be a Tao, HE~TUI!
Han Hong started messing things up again: “Hey! Next instalment everyone step up ah, don’t let the kicker kick succeed, we must turn it away, it’s not good for anyone to come.”
Sun Nan: “Good! It’s no good for anyone to come.”
Huang Liangling asked cautiously, “What if the one who comes is another one of your children, Sister Han Hong?”
Han Hong: “That’s impossible, there’s only one singer among my children, Li Tiezhu.”
Hong Bo coldly said, “Are you sure you want to be united?”
Han Hong: “Of course!”
Hong Bo: “Very good, I’m relieved to see an attitude like yours.”
Li Tiezhu: “Auntie, there’s a scam!”
Li Zijian: “Forget about calling godmother, auntie sounds awkward.”
Han Hong immediately refused, “No need! It still sounds good to be called Auntie, calling her Godmother would be tasteless.”
The programme was coming to an end, and Han Bo had already read out a spoken word thank you to the sponsors.
Shu Du.
Zhao Muye, who was squatting next to the coffee table and washing his socks, was indignant: “Bah! Fatty Han you’ve gone too far! Why are you targeting my Yaya? She’s also one of your trainees, how can you treat her differently? Yaya, let’s not go, look at that group of people, they are clearly targeting you.”
Liu Wan Yun said angrily, “How can they be targeting? Wasn’t my Tie Zhu just as ostracised when he kicked off the school? What’s wrong with that? It’s just a variety effect, you’re such a small-minded big man, despise you!”
Then, Zhao Muye theorised with Liu Wan Yun, who refused to theorise and scolded angrily. Still not relieved, he gave Zhao Liya a punch, and after three punches, Zhao Muye was convinced.
Zhao Liya endured the pain and drank yoghurt, with a weird smile on her face.
Hey, it’s fun, she suddenly remembered her first 挼猫 experience, the more provocative the enemy was, the happier she was.
After this one, the cursing war between Song Zhu’er and Wulin finally ended hastily, because, Wulin was cursed to death by Song Zhu’er couldn’t afford to carry it anymore.
Song Zhu’er said: ”Compared to my family Tie Zhu? Do you have eighteen centimetres? Grasshopper coding!”
The fans went crazy, and the entire Jitterbug followed.
Because, Song Zhu’er went crazy.
Then, Song Zhu’er was blocked.
The short video was blocked, and the account was also blocked for thirty days, during which time no video could be posted.
Even so, the crazy fans still flooded into the videos that Song Zhu’er had previously posted to comment, call, and even request that she share her experience. Among them, female fans were the majority, male fans mostly just praised Song Zhu’er for daring to think and speak, female fans were different, they wanted to resonate ……
Either way, the farce ended up as a bigger farce anyway, and Sun Nan and his agent didn’t make any more comments about Li Tiezhu, maybe they took a ruler and measured it?
Because of this matter, Li Tiezhu was furious and let Song Zhu’er punished kneeling, wearing all kinds of strange clothes kneeling.
Leng Ba also called the hotline, angrily rebuked Song Zhu’er exposure of our strategic resources, to their own side to measure the hidden enemy, too irrational. The truth, but also can not go around talking nonsense ah!
Even Rabbit Smash Zhao Liya sent a tweet asking if Song Zhu’er was exaggerating.
Rabbit smashed although small, but extraordinarily evil, Song Zhu’er to maintain a high degree of vigilance, back to a “Why don’t I shoot to show you?” Rabbit smash did not dare to reply.
A week later, on the 18th of November.
Li Tiezhu wrapped in a down coat, when he came to the Mango building, suddenly shivered, as if something bad was going to happen.
In fact, Li Tiezhu is not superstitious, but his sixth sense is more developed, and stupid people can only rely on their sixth sense.
This is probably evolution!
After the last rehearsal, it entered the interview session.
Director: “Li Tiezhu, what do you think about the kick-off singer coming today?”
Li Tiezhu: “I don’t even know who it is.”
“Never mind who it is, do you want TA Kickboxer to succeed?”
“Well …… succeed. After all, I’m also a kickboxing singer here.”
“Then who do you think is most likely to be eliminated?”
“I think it’s me.”
“Because I’ll get yelled at if I say something about someone else. Who do you want me to say?”
“Erm ……”
Anyway, the person who interviewed Li Tiezhu would not have a good ending is all.
After the interview, Li Tiezhu and Liang Tianyi went back to their rest room, and as soon as they entered the door, they smelled a strange fragrance.
Liang sweet: “Wow! So fragrant.”
Li Tiezhu nodded his head, it was indeed very fragrant, under the impact of Liang sweet sister’s pungent perfume and blood odour, it could still stimulate the nasal cavity, this fragrance was extraordinarily domineering.
Liang Tianyi saw a bag on the table and opened it to see a bag of food and a card.
“Good luck to Silly Pillar for winning seventh place in this competition! A certain kick-ass singer stays.”
Liang Tianyi read out the text on the card.
Li Tiezhu instantly knew who the kicker was, tsk, Auntie Han Hong is difficult to deal with! He sat down and put on his gloves and started eating.
Liang Tianyi: “Huh? What is this ah? I haven’t seen it before.”
Li Tiezhu ate with gusto: “Old mother rabbit head ah!”
Liang sweet startled: “Huh …… rabbit so cute, how can you eat rabbit?”
Li Tiezhu: “The rabbit is so cute, of course it is delicious!”

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