The Rockstar Chapter 383

Actually, GUU basically has a return show this period, so the host doesn’t necessarily have to change this period, but Hong Bo did it anyway. He simply wanted to bring a bigger change to the show, and he knew that the audience loved to watch Li Tiezhu, and GU Daji himself didn’t mind.
So in the past two days, Li Tiezhu was memorising his lines in addition to doing new song arrangements and rehearsals with the teachers of the show.
“Messing with the king? Stick singer? King of song? Never heard of it.”
Li Tiezhu didn’t even chase Chinese stars, much less singers from the Stick Country.
Therefore, when he saw the information of the new fill-in singer, he was at a loss, I haven’t even heard of it, how should I blow it when hosting?
In the break room, Gu Daji was sitting next to Li Tiezhu and said: “What do you care so much? Just read from the script when the time comes. How’s the new song you wrote for me?”
He came to the rehearsal on Friday morning because he had already been eliminated.
Li Tiezhu said, “Alright! It’s my turn to rehearse, let’s go listen together? It’s a Cantonese song, I can’t pronounce it well, you can still help me correct it.”
Gu Daji was instantly a bit touched, this kid knew that my country’s language was not good, and even thoughtfully wrote a Cantonese song?
Gu Da Ji was so excited that he rubbed his hands together, he hadn’t released a new song in years, the singing world had almost forgotten about him. If he can get a song like Exclusive Memory …… forget it, it can be even worse.
You can t ask Li Tiezhu that every time he writes a song, it is a masterpiece, right?
With apprehension and anticipation, Gu Daji and Li Tiezhu went to rehearse the new song together, and when he went, he was full of expectations, but when he came back, he was only shocked.
Sure enough, it was another masterpiece.
This song, as if writing about Gu Daji’s journey over the past twenty years, he cried listening to it.
The first thought was that Li Tiezhu really was a genius.
The second thought was, why would he give such a beautiful song to someone else?
Sure enough, the thoughts of a genius cannot be surmised, so let’s give thanks. From the beginning of this song, Gu Daji has completely taken Li Tiezhu as his own brother, he is so atmospheric, no wonder he can be like a fish in the water in the circle.
Li Tiezhu’s vocals can handle this song, but the pronunciation is not allowed, Gu Daji also word by word to help him correct.
By the afternoon, Li Tiezhu did not rehearse anymore, because …… he had to go to buy food to cook hot pot.
Mango Channel also had a food programme, so there was no worry about having a place to fry the hot pot base, not to mention the pots and pans.
Li Tiezhu’s process of making the hot pot was also filmed and placed at the very beginning of the programme to be shown.
Li Tiezhu prepared the dishes while saying: “I lost the bet! I couldn’t even rehearse in the afternoon to prepare the hot pot. That’s why gambling is harmful! Everyone should take this as a warning. What about this hot pot, one is to give Old Gu a farewell, and the other is to welcome the new singer.”
Staff: “You already know who the fill-in singer is?”
Li Tiezhu repeatedly washed the tripe: “Of course, I’m the host of this episode. This singer is the King of Songs! And it’s an international friend. But I don’t know. In addition, I don’t know if he can eat spicy food, so I cooked extra spicy hot pot for them! Mandarin duck hotpot? Doesn’t exist!”
Live broadcast pop-up:
“Li Tiezhu is really toxic.”
“Froze the singer alive into a food programme.”
“This episode moved my mouth to water.”
“The filler in this episode is a crooked person?”
“Giving foreign singers hot pot, Li Tiezhu is an old c*nt!”
“Serious Brother never lets me down.”
The scene shifted to the airport, where the staff received and interviewed the new singer, a slightly rounded middle-aged uncle.
Jung Won Chun, the national treasure of South Bangkok, has a charming voice and superb singing skills.
After saying a couple of lines, Jung Won Chun sang straight away, indeed with extremely high live power.
Next, was the picture of the other singers, expressing their views on this South Bangkok singer, and after everyone had heard him sing, they all hit the ground running, fully recognising each other’s strength.
The singers arrived at the lounge and went into their respective rest rooms to rest or put on make-up.
And at this time, the entertainment section of the old wave network, an unknown small editor published a piece of article “Superstar or Huge Fraud? The Untold Story Behind Civilian Worker Li Tiezhu’s Rise to Stardom”.
At the beginning of the article, Li Tiezhu was born in a remote rural area, did not receive any music education since childhood, and his academic performance was extremely poor, and he went to high school or paid more money to get in.
Then, and “interview” several Li Tiezhu’s high school classmates, they said they never knew Li Tiezhu will write songs will sing, for Li Tiezhu can write so many good songs, they have expressed doubts.
Afterwards, the penny dropped and began to talk about Penguin’s entertainment industry layout, Penguin is not lacking in anything, but lacks a top streaming star. Thus, there was Li Tiezhu. A top entertainment flow capital, a bumpkin who can’t do anything, one shot, through the earthy packaging and a sea of water army to guide public opinion, the first sea election on the top of Li Tiezhu on the hot search. Later on, he even set up a music composition team of more than ten people, labelled Li Tiezhu as a “wild original singer” and went all the way to win the Voice Championship.
Finally, the article through an interview with a musician who left Penguin, learnt that the musician had also written songs for Li Tiezhu, usually a person to come up with the first draft of a large group of collective composition, and finally Li Tiezhu’s signature, take away all the copyrights.
To sum up, Li Tiezhu’s songs are all written by others, he is just a fake songwriter forced by Penguin.
The logic of this article is almost entirely based on speculation, the evidence is all based on fabrication, without any substantial evidence, forcing the conclusion that Li Tiezhu is a big liar.
According to reason, this kind of marginal sand sculpture article, there is not much spread, after all, most of the readers have normal intelligence.
There have been similar articles before, all without much heat.
But this time is different, almost just half an hour after the article was released, before the live broadcast of “I am the singer” began, it suddenly spread throughout the network. Especially the scarf was the hottest, after all, this was also the territory of the old waves.
Many scarf V and publicists, began to frantically forward and comment, some people shouted Li Tiezhu to come out and apologise, some people called for the penguin to stop polluting the entertainment industry, and some people even called for the whole network to block Li Tiezhu.
Just because of a fabricated article?
No, this is just the beginning.
Soon, more “black information” about Li Tiezhu emerged:
Li Tiezhu forced the “I am the singer” programme group, squeezed out Gu Daji, his own host, in order to get more traffic and shots.
Li Tiezhu college entrance examination suspected of cheating, but also took out Li Tiezhu high school essay and college entrance examination essay comparison, ghosts know how they get to Li Tiezhu college entrance examination essay, the energy can not be said to be not big.
Li Tiezhu borrowed to do charity money laundering, a year to enrich nearly one billion.
Such information is all over the world, after a series of professional promotion, in the online madness.
At this time, Li Tiezhu is with the staff of the hot pot six mouths to beat the hot pot to move Road lounge, for the online rumours do not know, after all, last year by the CCTV gold-plated body and the iron head of the baby war boxer, has been for a long time about his negative news and smearing.
After arranging the dishes, Zhang Xiaomeng found Li Tiezhu with a sullen face, although the formation of the studio was very busy, he still accompanied Li Tiezhu during live broadcasts, the same as other singers’ managers.
“Something happened.”
Li Tiezhu set the freshly killed yellow chilli ding on a plate and said suspiciously, “What’s wrong? Brother Meng.”
Zhang Xiaomeng took out her mobile phone and showed Li Tiezhu: “Someone is messing things up again, this time it’s even fiercer than the last boxer, it’s not like a person or a company targeting us, it’s more like an organised and premeditated action. All kinds of fake news are spreading on the internet, how do we respond?”
Li Tiezhu thought about it, “Ignore it.”
Zhang Xiaomeng: “If we ignore it, they will only be more arrogant, we must respond! Forget it, I’ll go find Song Zhu’er ……”
Li Tiezhu said, “You can find her to discuss, but I still have this opinion, ignore it first, wait for all of them to emerge before responding. If you respond too early, I’m afraid that you won’t be able to fight cleanly.”
Zhang Xiaomeng thought that Li Tiezhu had wimped out, but he didn’t realise that he was even more rigid than himself, so he nodded.
The show was continuing.
Han Hong also learnt about Li Tiezhu from his agent, broke into a rage and finally said powerlessly, “sh*t! This bunch of capital is really f*cking more disgusting than sh*t, smearing me isn’t enough? Tie Zhu do some public welfare, they also black? Not just want me to help them launder money? f*ck off!”
Of course, this will not be cut into the programme.
After whining, Han Hong was worried about Li Tiezhu again, then she sniffled, “Hot pot er!”
So, her round body nimbly drilled out from the room you, lying on the railing and looking at the six hot pots below, shouting, “Tiezhu, you’re getting a bit much here oh, all red pots ah?”
Li Tiezhu: “Aang! Let them eat their throats out and we’ll win!”
Han Hong: “Gotta have it! I’ll go shout them down for hot pot.”
Then, Han Hong knocked on doors one by one and brought a dozen or so people down to eat hot pot. Li Tiezhu, on the other hand, pulled Gu Da Ji, who was preparing for his return performance, over as well.
There were eight singers and eight partners in total, and the reason why they got six hot pots was because the other side of the table was not seated in order to facilitate filming by the programme team.
The hot pot was a great success, and the singer of the southern rod was very good at eating spicy food, but it was Gu Da Ji who ate with a red face and didn’t dare to move his chopsticks.
After eating for about an hour, everyone dispersed, Li Tiezhu directly picked up the microphone, ready to host on stage.
And at this time, the pop-up screen of the live broadcast screen was quite unfriendly:
“Li Tiezhu get out of the entertainment industry!”
“Garbage artiste, everyone boycott together.”
“Taking a song written by someone else and going around pretending, it’s disgusting.”
“I told you this dirt dog can’t write songs.”
“What happened?”
“Li Tiezhu flopped, his team of a dozen songwriters wrote songs for him.”
“Where did you see that? Fake, right?”
“Someone is hacking Serious Brother again.”
“Saying that Li Tiezhu has done it himself is black? Water army logic is awesome.”
“Did Brother Zhengjing offend someone again?”
“The scarf V has shown the evidence, how else can you water armies wash it?”
“Li Tiezhu murderer! Go to hell!”
“I’m going, can you say this nonsense?”
Li Tiezhu on stage a moment ago, also saw the “murderer” pop-ups on the live broadcast, immediately frowned, this time seems to be different ah, there is a new script?
“Hello everyone, welcome to the seventh phase of the competition of ‘I am the Singer’ broadcast by …… title, I am the new host Li Tiezhu.”
He was still calm.

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