The Real Dragon Chapter 6368

At this moment, Charlie wade, looking at the pile of photocopied contents of the Preface to the Nine Xuan Scriptures, couldn’t help but sigh, “If our guesses are correct, then the Fake Master Tai from last time was the same as saving my life.”

Lin Wan’er nodded her head gently, but held her chin and muttered, “Pina ray feels that that False Elderly Teacher should be following the orders of someone else, and the one who really helped your excellency should be the person behind her.”

Charlie wade was very agreeable to her point of view, but only said with some doubts, “This person can recognise Meng Changsheng’s elaborate plan, and can also stop me at the critical moment, his origin is definitely not ordinary, but I just can’t understand, since this person is willing to help me, and knows my details, why is he not willing to show his true colours? If we all face each other face to face, we might still be able to reach a co-operation and fight against the Broken Qing Society together.”

Lin Wan Er smiled and said, “Perhaps each of them has their own secrets to guard, just like my slave, if it wasn’t for the fact that your excellency had saved my slave’s life, and that I was sent here by my father’s ring, my slave would have never revealed my true identity and experiences.”

Saying that, Lin Wan’er added: “However, what my slave can be sure of is that this person must be secretly observing your excellency, perhaps when the time is ripe, this person will take the initiative to meet with your excellency.”

Charlie wade nodded and said, “I don’t know who Butler Stephen has been working for all these years, ever since he left without saying goodbye in Eastcliff last time, I always feel that he is the same as that False Master we met in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, it should be the same person behind all of them, and what makes me a little sweaty is that the other party might have been watching me many years ago, but I know nothing about them. “

Saying that, Charlie wade subconsciously pulled out from his pocket the incense string that he got in the nunnery that day, twenty-eight precious Qi Nan incense beads, which were warm and slippery in his hand, and emitted a refreshing fragrance.

Examining this item, Charlie wade couldn’t help but sigh with emotion, “It’s a good thing that the other party isn’t an enemy, and now that he can’t show his face, he may have his own hardships.”

Lin Wan’er nodded and spoke, “Master Gong has counted a thousand times, but he never thought that his centuries-old scheme that he had been planning for would be blocked and broken by your excellency, right now, as long as your excellency does not set foot on the 100,000 Mountains, and does not practice the Nine Metaphysical Heart Determination, he shouldn’t be affected by Master Gong’s influence, in which case your excellency’s current biggest enemies are still the Broken Clearance Society and Wu Fiona. “

After saying that, Lin Wan’er asked him again, “Then what is your excellency’s next plan?”

Charlie wade said, “When I was in Eastcliff to meet my grandfather, Inspector Li came up with an idea to line up suspicious businesses around the world, dig out and eliminate the dead man’s quarters of the Broken Qing Society one by one, and if it’s possible, use two to three years’ time to eliminate the living forces of the Broken Qing Society.”

Saying that, Charlie wade synchronised the situation with Lin Wan’er about helping with the exclusion through the AI model.

After hearing this, Lin Wan’er called out that Li Yalin’s criminal investigation thinking was eye-opening, and was also very much in favour of this method, saying with a smile, ”Once this set of AI models is put into use, the Broken Cleansing Society’s global territory of influence should be located one by one.

Charlie wade thanked sincerely, “Thanks to you this time, if not for your reminder, I would not have thought of the matter of getting a set of AI models from the hands of the Rothschild family, I’m a modern person, I’m not even as good as Miss Lin who knows more about the real thing and understands it faster, it’s really a shame.”

Lin Wan Er smiled shyly, “your excellency, after all, my slave has escaped, and has long since developed a habit, every time the world as soon as any new technology comes out, my slave has to be the first to figure it out, and then analyse and assess whether or not this kind of technology will play any key role for Wu Fei Yan to find my slave, that’s why I will be concerned about the AI.”

Saying that, Lin Wan’er added, “The most crucial thing is that your excellency has completely pinned down the person in charge of the Rothschild family, otherwise, in today’s environment, I’m afraid that it would be as difficult as climbing up to heaven to get such a set of AI models.”

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