The Real Dragon Chapter 6369

The two of them chatted for a few more sentences, Charlie wade looked at the time and said to her, “Miss Lin, I plan to go to the Mid-Levels Villa in Champs-Elysees at noon, to meet my grandmother and sister-in-law and the girls, it’s almost time, I’ll take my leave first, and I’ll come back to meet you after dealing with the matter at hand.”

Lin Wan’er nodded with understanding and asked him, “your excellency, how are these photocopies going to be handled?”

Charlie wade thought for a moment and said, “Just leave it to you, Miss Lin, it’s fine to put them away, and it’s also fine to burn them in a fire.”

Lin Wan Er nodded her head and said, “Good, then I’ll leave it to my slave.”

Lin Wan Er sent Charlie wade out the door and asked Ying Shan to arrange for Sister Xian to drive Charlie wade to the Champs Elysees before returning alone to the top floor of the other courtyard to sort out all the photocopied versions of the Preface to the Nine Xuan Scriptures.

Originally, she wanted to directly throw these papers into the furnace and burn them.

But after she had meditated for a few minutes alone on the futon with her legs crossed, she suddenly stood up very dryly, found her school bag, collected all these papers into the bag, and then put on her backpack and stepped out of the courtyard.

After walking down the stone steps, Lin Wan Er said to Old Zhang who was guarding this place, “Have Old Qiu prepare a lower-profile car for me, I’m going out for a trip!”

Old Zhang busily asked, “Miss, do you want an old slave to accompany you?”

Lin Wan’er waved her hand very firmly, “No, I’ll go by myself!”


At the same time, the Qixia Temple’s mountainous other courtyard.

The elderly Sister Dawn came to the meditation room where An Chengjing was resting and respectfully said, “Madam, young master went to Zijinshan Manor right after he got off the plane, he should have gone to see Lin Wan’er.”

“Good.” An Chengqi nodded slightly and said with a smile, “It seems that in Charlie’s mind, Lin Wan’er is probably the best choice for sharing secrets.”

Sister Dawn said approvingly, “Young Master and her are both people who are burdened with many secrets, and both of them have their own secrets in the aspect of shocking the world, so once they open up, they are bound to have a lot of things in common.”

An Chengjing sighed, “It’s mainly because Lin Wan’er is too smart, the more Charlie communicates with her, the lower the probability of making mistakes, not everyone can have someone who has lived for almost four hundred years by his side to help him correct his mistakes at all times.”

Sister Dawn nodded and asked, “Madam, back then, Young Master Chang Ying left the photocopy of the Preface of the Nine Mysteries Sutra to Peter Zhou as well, Young Master saved him from New York this time and sent the Four Directions Treasure Block back to Huaxia, so I think that he should have already obtained the photocopy of the Preface of the Nine Mysteries Sutra as well, should we think of some way to remind Young Master not to cultivate the mind techniques in it? “

An Chengjing said, “Last time in the 100,000 mountains, we took the risk of contacting Lin Wan’er completely out of necessity, at that time there was the last line of defence, once Charlie arrived there and still didn’t stop, he had to risk exposing himself by imposing interference, now we are still avoiding contact with Charlie as much as possible, in this case I believe that with Lin Wan’er’s intelligence, she will definitely be able to guess a seven or eight, we don’t need to rush for now.”

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