The Real Dragon Chapter 6390

The lift quickly reached the ground floor, so Charlie wade said goodbye to the two and exited the lift, walking back to the villa area.

At this moment, he could not have dreamt that the woman who was in the same lift as him just now was his own mother’s henchman, and the reason why he came back a foot ahead of him was that everything was planned.

An Chengqi was worried that Charlie wade would think too much, and deliberately asked her to find an opportunity to appear in front of Charlie wade once, so that Charlie wade could confirm that she was just an ordinary person who didn’t know martial arts or aura.

The reason why he had to calculate the time to let this woman enter the basement first was also to further reduce the possibility of being suspected.

After all, people are subjective animals, if a person follows closely behind them to the same place, a person with a good intention will think that they are being followed, but the opposite is not true, the level of suspicion is greatly reduced.

An Chengqi intervened in Nanako’s enlightenment, in order to prevent Charlie wade from noticing the abnormality, she had to dispel all of Charlie wade’s suspicions, otherwise, with Charlie wade’s character, he would definitely investigate to the end before giving up.

A few minutes later, Charlie wade returned to the villa area of Tomson.

Inside the villa at this time, Elaine and Jacob were watching TV in the living room on the ground floor.

Said to watch TV, only is to turn on the TV to listen to a sound, in fact, two people are on the sofa half lying, each brush their mobile phones.

Claire Wilson has been in the United States has not returned, Charlie wade and out for many days, this pair of enemies from the beginning of the daily war, gradually tired tired, it evolved into the most familiar strangers, two people although the same under one roof, but each other has almost no communication.

Charlie wade pushed the door in, both of them subconsciously stood up from the sofa, looked at Charlie wade with surprise, and said in unison, “Good son-in-law is back!”

After saying this, the two even gave each other a disgusted look, as if they were both feeling bummed out by the tacit understanding they had just had.

Jacob was about to take a step forward to talk to Charlie wade, Elaine had already limped to his side, her buttocks twisted hard to the side with a bump, knocking Jacob by surprise, the whole person immediately lost his centre of gravity, and after waving his arms for half a day he couldn’t get his centre of gravity back, and could only stagger back to the sofa.

When Jacob looked up again, Elaine had already arrived at Charlie wade’s side, and said with a flattering face: “Aiya, good son-in-law, why did you come back at this time, and didn’t say hello to mum in advance, have you eaten yet? Do you want me to make you something to eat?”

Charlie wade smiled and said, “Don’t bother mum, I’ve eaten.”

Jacob hurriedly stood up, quickly greeted him and spoke, “Good son-in-law, ah, why have you been gone for so many days this time?”

Charlie wade laughed, “This time the business is relatively large, continuously looked at several mansions and factories, mainly because this customer is strong.”

“Ouch!” Elaine said happily, “With such a strong client, the money must be quite a lot to pay, right?”

“That’s right.” Charlie wade nodded and casually said, “This client is particularly quick to give money, and before he came back, he even gave an extra million in carriage fees.”

Elaine exclaimed, “My goodness! To give one million for the carriage fee alone, what kind of divine client is this!”

Jacob on the side also sighed, “This is what rich people do, giving an extra million as a tip, right? What a waste of money!”

Elaine remembered something at this time, quickly said to Charlie wade: “Good son-in-law, I saw on the news, India’s richest family’s youngest son got married, the pre-wedding party alone spent more than a billion dollars, equivalent to RMB are over a billion, you say if you can find such a customer, to his wedding site to look at the feng shui and so on, that will not give you a ten million meaning? “

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