The Rockstar Chapter 484

Then, the display in the corner of the courtyard lit up, and it was a video call from Cheng Dalong. Everyone gathered around, everyone else had a look of amusement, only Li Tiezhu was furious, what’s wrong with this master? So stingy!

Pick up the phone.

Li Tiezhu: “Master, you ……”

Cheng Dalong jumped ahead, “Li Tiezhu what’s going on with this crap show of yours? Cheat my money, right? Let me play 10,000 yuan, and, as a result, just buy this much? Is it a scam?”

Li Tiezhu: “Ah, this …… this ten thousand is for public welfare, the items are by lottery ……”

Cheng Dalong: “I know about the lottery, but can’t the things on those cards be prepared better? You guys are making me lose face like this! Everyone calls me big brother, and I end up giving away a box of milk tea, a bench, and two bins. It’ll be humiliating to broadcast it!”

Li Tiezhu: “Master you still care about this?”

Do you want face?

Chen Chi-Chi said, “Hello big brother! I don’t think there’s anything wrong with what you’re giving away. Folding stools and bins, aren’t they the fighting props that often appear in your films?”

Jackie Chan: “Then sports cars even appear in my films. Tie Zhu, ask the programme team to change a few more things that have a face, and replace them when the programme airs.”

Li Tiezhu shrugged, “Master! Every word you say now will become evidence in court and will definitely be cut into the main film, saying more is more wrong!”

Cheng Dalong froze and became even more angry, “How can you guys do this? I don’t know anything, just give me a bunch of cards to choose, and then, Duang a moment, out of so three things, simply to be angry with you! Hang up hang up ……”

Li Tiezhu didn’t have a chance to complain at all, after being disliked by his master, the video hung up.

Chen Chichu: “Duang a bit! I can tell big brother is furious.”

Deer Ha Ni said, “How do you write the word Duang?”

Chen Chichu looked at Li Tiezhu.

Li Tiezhu took a wooden stick and wrote out a character, the top one was the character Cheng, the middle one was the character Da, and the bottom one was the character Dragon.

A few people laughed like crazy, it turned out to be such an exclusive character!

Chen Chi Chi laughed so hard that he rolled on the ground, not exaggerating at all, the laughs of the odd man out have been Duang to him.


“Is this considered bullying?”


“What does it mean to fight backward! Cheng Da Long teaches you by hand.”

“Li Tiezhu will be beaten to death for bullying his teacher, right?”

“Don’t worry, Tie Zhu is covered by Hong Da Bao, he won’t die.”

“This Duang word is too perfect.”

Then, Chen Chi Chi lay on the ground and covered her waist, “Aaah! Can’t do it, can’t do it ……”

Deer Hani: “What’s wrong? Broken waist? The show is full of effects ah brother!”

Chen Chi Chi’s expression gradually grimaced, “No! It feels like my waist is stuck to a nail …… pain!”

Li Tiezhu and Deer Hani pulled Chen Chichih together, “Where did I get a nail here? It’s probably bamboo thorns, who let you roll around in the place where I do bamboo work?”

Chen Chichu ate her teeth and grinned, she could no longer speak, it was really painful, straining to lift her clothes upwards.

There were three red and swollen places on his waist.

Deer Hani froze, then burst out laughing, “Hahahahaha …… swollen! There are wasp stings on the clothes! Come on, come on, the programme team gave Duang a special effect!”

Later, directly P a bunch of hornet fighters like bombing Chen Chi Chi’s waist.

Chen Chichi looked at Qin Tao with a swollen face, “Why? Why are there wasp stings on my clothes?”

Li Tiezhu honestly explained.

Chen Chi Chi wanted to say something but cried and laughed, struggling to carefully take off his T-shirt, “Serves you all right! I’m going to change my clothes.”

Li Tiezhu: “We’ve used every piece of your clothes, you’d better check them before you wear them.”

Chen Chi Chi was in unbearable pain, “What kind of crap show, and a natural disaster, this is a natural disaster ……”

He took another piece of clothing, sitting on the newly received folding stool, picking the thorns on the clothes, there are not a few, but it is very small, after checking it once, but he did not dare to put it on, and then he checked it once again, and he still did not dare to wear it.

In the end, Li Tiezhu gave Chen Chi Chi a piece of clothing.

Chen Chichi’s injuries were okay, after all, the hornet stings on his clothes were not so toxic after a period of time, so he was not swollen as badly as Qin Tao.

In the afternoon, Li Tiezhu heaved the rest of the wild onions behind the house, and picked the green peppercorns and sunned them, and then changed the iron rubbish bin into a bucket with a tarpaulin, and made a bamboo stretcher for picking up water.

Finally, everyone made milk tea and sat down in the pergola to drink it.

Near the end of the show, Li Tiezhu still did not idle, with the mud next to the pergola to get a not big water tank, the cement pockets scavenge once, with the last bit of cement to bore the tank, the kitchen still needs a water tank.

The recording of this episode is over, Qin Tao and Chen Chi Chi hurriedly ran away to find the programme team to apply medicine.

As the first phase of the real sense of the show, this issue of the show is very rich and compact, because of the cancellation of the three so-called accidental points added bonus links, so less abusive, the ratings compared to the 10th period has improved, but overall ratings are not too good.

However, this episode also came out with a couple of hot searches, giving the show a lot of exposure and traffic.

One was Li Tiezhu savagely killing a pig, one was Zheng Yanzi’s Pikachu racket, one was Chen Chichu being stung, and one was …… how to write the word Duang.

Due to the fact that it’s a new show in its first season and some detours in planning, Oh Exempt Primitive is still in a kind of warm-up and build-up phase in China, but accidents happen.

The Oh Exempt Primitive Man is on fire abroad, and the hottest is the overseas version of Jitterbug, and then the oil can video.

For this programme, crooked people expressed worship, claiming that this is the Chinese people’s explosive racial talent.

Many people have been attracted to the programme and watch it with the mentality of “pilgrimage”.

These are not the full version of the programme, as they are not copyrighted, so they are clips of the highlights of the two episodes of the programme, interspersed with some voice-over narration.

The most complete and hottest video about “Oh Exempt Primitive Man” was released by an account specialising in variety show highlights from various countries on the overseas version of Shake Shack. The video has ten episodes of five minutes each, editing the content of the show’s tenth and first issues.

In the beginning, Li Tiezhu’s three men came to the wild, caught and roasted fish, and then Li Tiezhu limped.

Messages have said that these three people will definitely form a survival team like Bell, hunting on the mountain and catching fish in the river, eating worms and digging up wild vegetables to sleep in the wilderness and so on, in short, the guests of this programme will definitely be miserable. And, they generally don’t think they can survive, because they think Qin Tao is a burden.

The later unfolding stunned the crooked people, and when Li Tiezhu started to show his bamboo skills, they were convinced. What’s more, they didn’t expect Li Tiezhu to be able to use half a day to make an extremely solid shelter, and roast five-flake meat to eat at night.

Then later, killing pigs, building bamboo houses, making sausage and bacon, pounding rice, hollowing out beehives, making sumptuous meals, bamboo rice, etc., were even more amazing to the foreigners.

And the scene at the end where Li Tiezhu grows wild onions is what thrills the crooked people the most.

The comments under the video can reflect their shock:

“Even if they build a rocket here one day, I won’t be surprised, Aien Peila Lee is too powerful. I even think he’s more powerful than Belle, because, all Belle seeks is just to live, I think not only is Aien Pella Lee completely capable of doing that, he even has a bigger ambition – to build a luxurious manor.”

“That’s the reason why Aien Pella Lee is on fire; he’s working miracles all the time. When he planted those onions, it was as if I saw a large piece of farmland.”

“Jung is a beautiful and brave lady who has done a great deal for their ‘home’ and is more of a man than that fat man.”

“Their every move is beyond my imagination, I have a hunch that in this programme we can witness the progress of Chinese civilisation for 5,000 years, their culture, their skills, their thinking, it’s so fascinating ……”

“The bamboo forest next to the waterfall that provided them with almost all of their furniture was breathtaking skill. There is no bamboo in Europe, I never knew there was such an amazing plant.”

“Dao! When I was very young I learnt about Chinese philosophy, about the Tao, and I always thought it was so vain that I gave it up later. Knowing about this programme on the Dark Way today, I realise what I’ve been missing out on. Didn’t realise? Everything they do is so relaxed, all the food and tools are taken from nature without destroying it, totally integrated. I don’t know if I’m understanding it right, but this philosophy blows me away.”

“As the show goes on, we’re sure to see a lot of higher-order and wiser skills or cultures, and I can’t wait for the second instalment of the episode.”

“Being of Asian descent I’m telling you, they’re bound to have their own vegetable gardens, rice barns, better kitchens, bigger and more comfortable houses next, as well as …… making the leap from bamboo art to wood art, and I even suspect that they’ll end up developing the technology of prescriptive iron smelting.”

“Although with some material help from the guest stars, it only accelerated their development, and what we witnessed was a miniature journey of cultural evolution.”

“That air-dried sausage and meat is a very intelligent way of storing food. In fact, they could have tried preserving fish that way!”

“It used to be hard for me to understand that a 5,000-year-old agricultural people had no bread to eat. It wasn’t until I saw that lavish lunch they had at noon that I realised how stupid I was. Gosh, with all those delicious dishes, who would go for a baguette?”

“That fat guy called Wave should know a lot of techniques too, he just doesn’t have the room to exercise them yet. I learned that he’s a Chinese double stand-up comedian with a lot of knowledge, and he’s said to be very good at pig breeding techniques. I think that must be an amazing skill!”

“For the first time, I learnt that the original teacher of Aien Pella was Jack Cheng. He must know martial arts, then, and I thought that he might be able to try to beat a wolf to death on a mountain …… (this one thought there really was a wolf)”

“Excuse me, where can I see the original programme? It’s not often that I see a documentary that is this interesting and admirable. (Documentary???)”

Yes, it was that unexpected.

This programme is far more popular abroad than at home, because those unseen crooked people watch this programme as a miniature documentary on Chinese culture, and although they are also amused by the guests, they are more fascinated by Li Tiezhu’s ever-changing skills.

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