The Real Dragon Chapter 6408

Charlie wade asked again, “Then you generally encounter such things, how will revenge?”

Steve snorted coldly and said without thinking, “Of course it’s blood for blood, don’t say dare to mess with the Rothschild family, even if you dare to mess with one of the Rothschild family’s dogs, we will never let the other party go! Under the sky, the person who can bully the Rothschild family and still make the Rothschild family swallow their anger has not been born yet!”

After saying that, Steve looked up at Charlie wade, his eyes were instantly a little less comfortable, and he hurriedly added: “Mr Wade, don’t get me wrong, I said this, it has nothing to do with what we are sitting here, especially you.”

Charlie wade bristled, “There’s something in your words, does that mean I bullied you guys?”

Steve hurriedly said, “No! Absolutely not!”

Said Steve while already drinking wine, simply pour a cup full of wine, a breath of wine, while the wine, a face of aggrieved, said: “Mr Wade, there are no outsiders here, I say a word from the bottom of my heart, you let Helena to New York to kill a horseback shot, can really harm me! In vain I also personally go to Helena to take over, you initially said to me is not so, you said as long as I helped you, my father was stimulated, I will inherit the patriarchal seat, Wan did not think that you let Helena sent medicine to him, you are not tantamount to cheating it ……”

Charlie wade said with a frank face, “That’s right, I am cheating you.”

Steve looked at him in dismay and muttered, “What are you …… you doing this for ……”

Charlie wade said, “It’s very simple ah Steve, because you can’t be trusted, with my eye for people, you’re a person who is definitely not trustworthy in his words.”

Steve said in aggravation, “Mr Wade! You have misjudged me! I’m really not that kind of person!”

Charlie wade laughed, “I know in my heart what you are planning behind, if I really let you inherit the patriarch position smoothly, the first thing you do is to weaken the brothers who threaten you to the greatest extent first, and then drive them out of the family one by one after you take full control of the family, as a way of consolidating your own position as the patriarch, and the second thing you have to do is to destroy the covenant between us, because at that time you have already completely stood firm, and won’t care whether I am or not. covenant, because at that time, you have already completely established yourself and won’t care if I expose the inner workings of the Four Directions Treasure Block, right?”

Steve froze, then silently filled a glass of wine and drank it all in one go.

Charlie wade’s words had caused him to have completely lost any intention of defending himself.

Charlie wade continued at this time, “I’m a person who does things, I’ve always been a small man before a gentleman, if I didn’t use your father’s health to hold you down, how could you willingly shorten me in front of me today?”

Steve was speechless for a while.

Charlie wade added at this time, “Steve, I think it’s better for you and I to be sincere in the future, there’s no point in pretending to understand or pretending to be innocent.”

Steve nodded his head somewhat ashamedly, “Mr Wade you are right ……”

Charlie wade smiled and continued, “Steve, you actually have an advantage over your father with me.”

As soon as Steve heard this, the lustre returned to his eyes and he hurriedly asked, “Mr Wade, I wonder what kind of advantage you are talking about?”

Charlie wade said indifferently, “You and I have a direct connection, but your father doesn’t, whether it’s theoretically or on a physical level, you’re closer to me, if it wasn’t for your lack of sincerity, how would I have sacrificed my proximity and asked Helena to go on behalf of me to set up an indirect connection with your father that requires an intermediary?”

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