The Real Dragon Chapter 6431

When Jacob Wilson came back to his senses, he was already in tears.

And the trainee opposite him thought that he was not feeling well, and asked him again, “Vice President Wilson, do you want me to help you make a call to your family, and have your lover come to pick you up and take you back?”

Jacob Wilson’s mind instantly surfaced Elaine’s acerbic face, trembling in fear, he hastily wiped away his tears and stammered, “No …… no need to bother …… I… …I just got something in my eye ……”

The man obviously didn’t believe such a poor excuse from him, and quickly said with concern, “Vice President Wilson, why don’t you give your family a call, or maybe I’ll call a chauffeur for you to send you back?”

“No need no need.” Jacob Wilson hurriedly waved his hand and said, “I’ll give my son-in-law a call and let him come to pick me up, he just happened to be back in Aurous Hill, there shouldn’t be anything wrong.”

Saying that, he hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called Charlie wade.

Just a few minutes ago, Charlie wade had just left the cafe and was ready to send He Yuanjiang(Hank) to the car first.

Seeing He Yuanjiang(Hank) walking straight towards a domestic new energy car, he asked with some doubts, “Uncle He(Hank), it seems like you weren’t driving this car before, right?”

“This car is newly bought.” He Yuanjiang(Hank) laughed: “In the school for the students to talk about finance, talk about carbon neutrality, talk about new energy and talk about the supply chain, some time ago to do a domestic new energy vehicles to bend the road to overtake the subject, in order to understand a little more in-depth, so simply changed a domestic new energy vehicles, but also considered to be practical action to support the domestic car-making industry.”

Charlie wade nodded and said, “I met my grandfather and two uncles a few days ago, the An family is now also investing in the new energy field in China, the first layout is the power lithium battery, they are still very optimistic about the new energy.”

He Yuanjiang(Hank)’s eyes lit up and said with a smile, “Power battery is a good track, although it’s a bit late to get into the game now, but it’s the core of the new energy industry, the highest cost component of the new energy car is the power battery, so whoever can get the most cost-effective battery will be able to build the most cost-effective car, I believe that with the An family’s strength and eyesight, they shouldn’t focus only on the Power battery this aspect, they first start from the power battery, the final goal is bound to be the whole car manufacturing, after all, the upstream industry of the automotive industry is too hard, heavy asset model, low profit margins, or to do the overall programme to have a better chance.”

Charlie wade asked curiously, “Uncle He(Hank), you are very optimistic about the new energy industry?”

He Yuanjiang(Hank) nodded and smiled, “Of course I am optimistic, this is the best example of overtaking a car by bending the road, the old industrial powerhouse has settled in the field of internal combustion engines for too many years, forming its own technical barriers as well as its own positioning comfort zone, the later can only imitate him all the way, but there’s no chance to overtake him on his race track, in this case, they can only figure out how to switch to a new playground that they haven’t started to focus on yet.

The new play, first boring development in this new play, when the development to a certain extent, kill out to impact his foundation, forcing him from the previous lead, to come to your track to chase you, so that you can subvert all their previous advantages.”

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