I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 721

Rongshu listened to the chatter below and watched the man stare at the captain across the table with that dark face, holding her forehead in some headache.

The captain, on the other hand, was embarra*sed in the face of Fu Jingting’s hostility.

The few young police officers behind him were going crazy with laughter one by one.

“Ahem!” The captain scratched his head with one hand and looked at Fu Jingting, embarra*sed, “Mr. Fu, can you let go now?”

His hand was hurting from being held by this young chairman.

If he didn’t know that the other party was only doing this because he was jealous, he would have suspected that the other party had attacked the police.

“Alright Fu Jingting, let go of the captain, what’s the matter.” Rong Shu also gently tugged on the man’s sleeve, signalling the man to hurry up and let go.

Once the man was reminded by her, his thin lips pursed before he let go of the captain’s hand.

The captain looked at his hand, which was held red, and smiled bitterly.

Young people nowadays, they were so jealous.

He’s the one who came to work, he can be treated as a love rival, there is no one else.

The captain shook his head helplessly and put his hand down.

Next to him, Rong Shu glared at the man without good grace, knowing that the man had a cleanliness fetish, pulled out a handkerchief from his own pocket and handed it over, “Here.”

Fu Jingting looked at the handkerchief, his thin lips hooked up, sweeping away his cold hostility towards the captain just now, his voice became gentle, “It’s true that you still understand me.”

He took the handkerchief and wiped his hand that was shaking hands with the captain.

Rongshu was angry and amused, “I just shook the captain’s hand, and I took the initiative, you’re jealous of this?”

“That won’t work either, he’s a man.” When Fu Jingting finished wiping his hands, he didn’t bother to throw the handkerchief away, but put it back in his pocket.

Rong Shu white him, “Strong words, don’t care about you.”

After saying that, she turned her head and smiled at the captain with embarra*sment, “Sorry for making you guys laugh.”

“It’s nothing.” The captain waved his hand, unconcerned, and returned, but in his heart he was rather speechless.

After all, this was the first time he had encountered such a situation.

If it weren’t for the other party’s distinguished status, he wouldn’t have let it go like that.

He had a temper too.

“Well Chairman Yung, it’s getting late, so we’ll take the man away first.” Without further thought, the captain straightened the police cap on his head before saying to Rong Shu with a straight face.

“Okay, please, the man is over there, you take him away, and we will cooperate with any subsequent investigation that is needed.” Rong Shu nodded and pointed at Rong Yuan who was in the middle of the conference table, being held by two security guards, and said.

“We will.” The captain saluted her, then waved his hand for the young officers behind him to hand the man over.

Looking at the officers coming towards her, Rong Yuan’s face shook in sharp horror, as if she was seeing not people, but demons who were out to kill her.

“Don’t, don’t come over, don’t you come over, go away, go away!” Rong Yuan shook her head as she made a great drive to try to drive the officers away.

But how could the officers be driven away by her, they quickly picked her up from the security guards.

The moment the officers touched Rong Yuan, she was completely panicked, so scared that her face turned pale and her eyes came out.

“Sister, sister help me, you help me.” She suddenly looked towards Rong Shu with a pleading face, her tears and snot were all over her face as she shouted, “Sister, let them go, let them not arrest me, okay, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, I won’t dare again, I really won’t dare, sob sob ……”

She cried with a heartbreaking cry and really looked like she knew she was wrong, making some of the softer-hearted people feel pitiful at the moment.

Even, one by one, in the live stream, they all started to play up the pop-ups of pleading for mercy.

Rongshu could not see, so naturally she would not be affected.

But even if she saw it, she would not be affected.

Others didn’t understand Rong Yuan, but she did.

Rong Yuan was not a person who knew what it meant to be wrong at all.

She did not see any sincere acknowledgement of wrongdoing in Rong Yuan’s eyes, but only a hidden hatred.

In other words, what she says she knows is wrong is a lie. She is just trying to win the sympathy of the people, to get them to plead for her, to get her freedom.

I’m afraid what Rong Yuan is thinking is that after she gets her freedom, she will find a chance to get back at her.

Heh, how stupid.

“Don’t look.” Fu Jingting suddenly blindfolded Rong Yuan at this moment, and then swept a disgusted glance at Rong Yuan, saying in disgust, “Hot eyes.”

Rongshu laughed a little.

Fu Jingting added, “Don’t be soft-hearted either, you can’t trust such people.”

“I know.” Rongshu nodded her head.

Fu Jingting gave a hint, “That’s good.”

In the end, Rong Shu didn’t even open her mouth to let Rong Yuan off the hook.

Naturally, the police officers, were about to detain Rong Yuan and take her away.

The police officers grabbed Rong Yuan and headed towards the entrance of the conference room.

Seeing that she was about to leave the room, Rong Yuan finally realised that Rong Shu would not let her go, so she stopped pleading and even stopped struggling.

As she walked out of the conference room, she suddenly stopped.

When she stopped, the officers who were holding her naturally stopped as well.

Rong Yuan turned her head, her eyes were scarlet and she stared at Rong Yuan, her eyes were quenched with poisonous intent, “Rong Shu you wait for me, I’ll write everything down today, when I get out, I will never let you go, absolutely!”

As soon as her words fell, the back of her head was slapped by the captain’s police cap.

The captain looked at her with a grim face, “How dare you threaten others with your words in front of us, an additional crime, wait to go.”

With that, Rong Yuan was taken away by the police.

The reporters also recorded this pa*sing, and the viewers in the live broadcast, all watched.

This time, Rong Yuan’s identity and title of legal curator was a complete fact.

I believe that in the future, when she comes out of the police station, she will not be able to throw it away.

“Don’t take the words of that woman just now to heart.” Fu Jingting gently hugged Rong Shu, his voice low and soothing.

He was afraid that just now, Rong Yuan’s threat with rice had scared her.

However, Rong Shu looked up at him, smiled at him and shook her head, “Don’t worry, I won’t take it to heart, it’s not the first time she’s threatened, every time she eats hold from me, she leaves a harsh word or two, I’m used to it.”

Fu Jingting frowned, “Even so, you can’t let your guard down, even if she can’t fight you, but you can’t guarantee that you won’t be shaded by her.”

“You’re right.” Rongshu nodded thoughtfully.

Fu Jingting stroked her hair, “But don’t worry, I won’t let her have the chance to dare to lay a hand on you.”

That threat just now was undoubtedly stepping on his thunder point and bouncing around.

In his opinion, to threaten the person he cared about most in front of him was looking for death.

Next, he would give that woman, Rong Yuan, the most unforgettable life in detention.

Fu Jingting narrowed his eyes, and the coldness under his eyes was gut-wrenching.

Rong Shu did not notice his expression, and got out of his arms, picked up the microphone and gave the final closing speech of the conference.

After the speech, the crowd in the conference room began to disperse.

In no time, only Fu Jingting and Rong Shu were left in the conference room.

I don’t want you to show your past scars to everyone again, that will remind you of everything you’ve been through in the past, and it’s a very cruel thing to do to you. ”

Rongshu looked at the heartache that came out of Fu Jingting’s eyes, her heart warmed up and she smiled as she took the USB stick, “It’s actually okay, I’ve long since come out of the shadows of the past, so I don’t feel anything when I look at my past experiences again, I’m strong enough now that these can’t hurt me.”