I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 725

Then she stared at him with the words “What are you laughing at? It’s all because of you, who burrowed under the table and made me lose face along with you.

Fu Jingting touched Rong Shu’s cheek, then pressed his ear and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, “Don’t worry, it won’t be discovered.”

“How do you know?” Rongshu obviously did not believe it.

Fu Jingting’s thin lips twitched and he was about to say something when a voice rang out again above his head.

“No, where is anyone?” The employee called Xiao Li looked around, “There are only two of us here, you can’t be mistaken.”

“It’s just the two of us here, but I just heard someone talking.” The female employee who first spoke said this and then waved her hand, “No, no, it wasn’t talking, it was humming, yes, it was humming.”

“A hum?” Rei blinked, “How come I didn’t hear that, did you mishear it?”

“Absolutely not, I definitely didn’t hear it wrong.” The female employee shook her head with great certainty.

“That’s strange, no one’s there and there’s a sound, it can’t be ……” Xiao Li shivered and her voice started to tremble, “There can’t be a ghost!”

“Ah!” The female employee screamed in fright, her face went white, “bah bah bah bah, Xiao Li you don’t say nonsense, there is no ghost ah, it’s still broad daylight, you don’t scare me.”

“I’m not scaring you, you said there was a sound, but there are only two of us here, so where did it come from? I can’t think of anything else except it’s a ghost.” Xiao Li said in a serious tone.

The female employee swallowed, “No …… it can’t be a real ghost, can it?”

“Who knows.” Xiao Li also shook her head in fear.

The female employee held the rag in her hand again and again, “So what, Xiao Li, why don’t we leave, don’t stay here, the more we talk about it, the more scared we get, it’s weirdly oozing.”

“But the conference room hasn’t been cleaned yet.” Xiao Li was a little impressed, but a little hesitant.

The female employee took her arm, “Oh, don’t clean it, it’s not very dirty anyway, and the conference room isn’t used very often, it’s fine, let’s go, the more I stay here the more scared I get.”

“You’re right too, go go go.”

The two carried cleaning buckets and other cleaning tools and left the conference room at a brisk pace.

Under the table, Rong Shu’s small face was pitch black, the whole thing was furious, “They …… they actually said I was a ghost, it’s too much!”

Where does she look like a ghost?

“Well, it is very excessive!” Fu Jingting nodded in agreement, “Ghosts look so ugly, you’re so pretty, they have no vision.”

Rongshu gave him a blank look, “It’s all your fault, if it weren’t for you, would I be like this?”

She pushed the man off of her and sat up, fixing her hair that he had messed up, “For the first time in my life, I’ve been under a table.”

“Me too.” Fu Jingting sat up straighter before also straightening his somewhat messy collar and sleeves back.

I asked you to let go of me, but you were good enough to hug me and burrow in.”

Fu Jingting laughed lightly, “If we hadn’t gotten in and they had seen us, even if we hadn’t done anything at that time, there would still be rumours tomorrow, do you believe it?”

Rongshu froze for a moment, “Why?”

She obviously hadn’t reacted.

Fu Jingting was sitting on the ground, one leg crossed and one leg curled up, sitting in a very dashing and handsome posture.

He held up a long, slender finger and said, “Because it’s been a long time since the launch, but we haven’t gone out here, do you think they won’t think about what we did in there?”

“……” Rong Shu choked for a moment and didn’t say anything.

It was true.

A lone man and a woman staying inside and not going out did make people think about it.

“There’s another thing, and that is that you’re too obvious.” Fu Jingting said, holding up a second finger.

Rongshu tilted her head, “Where is it obvious.”

Fu Jingting pointed to his own lips.

Rongshu looked at his lips, his lips were thin, with a nice lip shape and usually light lip colour.

However, at this moment, his thin lips were on the red side of the colour, very conspicuous.

As for why they were reddish, what else could it be, it was from kissing.

His thin lips had turned red from kissing, so her lips must have done the same.

And since her upper lips were thin and her lower lips were thick, they were the best kind of lips for kissing, so they must have been redder than his thin lips after the kiss, and probably a little swollen.

That blamed him for saying she was obvious.

Yeah, lips are red and swollen from kissing, how can they not be obvious.

So like he just said, even if she and Fu Jingting hadn’t kissed or been next to each other when the two employees came in, it would have been obvious what they were doing before they came in.

Yet the next day, the rumours were still flying around.

“So, I have you to thank for holding me under the table?” Rongshu looked at the man rather breathlessly.

The man tucked the hair that had fallen out of her ear behind her ear and whispered, “No, but of course, if you insist on giving it to me, that’s fine.”

The corners of Rongshu’s mouth twitched, “You’re really climbing up the pole, huh?

With those words, she lifted the curtain and climbed outside.

After she went out, Fu Jingting also bent down and went out.

The two reappeared in the conference room.

Rongshu breathed a huge sigh of relief, “This kind of sneaky behaviour, I never want to experience it again.”

Fu Jingting straightened his suit and laughed lightly at her words, “But don’t you find it exciting?”

“Heh, this kind of excitement, once is enough.” Rongshu rubbed her neck and said, “This time we were lucky not to be found out, but next time it’s impossible to say, so I don’t bet on it, and you don’t want to drag me to come back.”

Fu Jingting shrugged his shoulders with some regret.

If there wasn’t a next time, there wouldn’t be a next time.

But in the future, they could be somewhere else.

Bathroom, sofa, balcony or something ……

Thinking about it, the corners of Fu Jingting’s lips slightly curved up.

When Rongshu looked at him like this, although she didn’t know what he was thinking, she inexplicably winced and had some bad premonition.

This b*****d, for sure, was thinking about something bad.

“Alright, let’s go out.” Rongshu pulled Fu Jingting’s arm, interrupting the man from continuing his thoughts and pulling him outside.

The man looked at her with a smile in his eyes and obediently followed her.

The door to the meeting room opened, and when Rongshu went out, she looked left and right, looking like someone who was stepping on a crime.

Fu Jingting looked at her like this and was amused by her cute look, “What are you doing?”

“What do you know.” Rongshu looked back at him, “Of course I’m looking to see if there’s anyone there, in case someone sees us coming out of the conference room at this hour, they’ll definitely want to gossip too, so we have to avoid the crowd, understand?”

Fu Jingting nodded slightly, “Understood.”

“Alright then, you look over there and I’ll look over here, we’ll split up the work for better results.” Rongshu pointed to the left and said to him.

“Good.” Fu Jingting nodded his head and agreed.

Since she wanted to play, then he would play with her.

Just like just now when she drilled under the table, she continued to accompany him even though her mouth was reluctant.

In this way, the chairmen of the two large groups, sneaking around, avoiding many offices and crowds, finally returned to their own offices.

The moment the office door closed, Rong Shu let out a long breath, “Now it’s better, at ease, not afraid of being found out.”

Fu Jingting stood beside her, smiling and dotingly responding, “You’re right.”

Rongshu stretched out and turned her head to look at the man, “What’s next? It’s still early, aren’t you going back to Fu’s group?”