The Rockstar Chapter 557

“Then it’s a deal, if the box office of Lost in Space exceeds seven times its cost, unlocking your achievement of Crazy Stone, director you lose five million to Li Tiezhu. Conversely Li Tiezhu loses five million to you.”


“It can be. If I remember correctly, ‘Lost in Translation’ cost thirty million, which means that the box office has to pass two hundred million before it can do so.”




“Liya, do you trust Li Tiezhu that much? He’s the first time he’s actually been a film director.”


“I don’t care, it’s his money if he loses anyway.”


“Erm ……”


Ning Shi was all baffled, and the tripe was so hot and old that he forgot to clip it up.


Right, this bet looks very exciting, but in reality the originator Zhao Liya is not involved at all, and the one who loses money can only be him or Li Tiezhu.


So, how in the world did I take the bait?




Zhao Liya said that he had read the script of “Lost in Transit”, which was not as good as “Crazy Stone”, but felt that the results should not be inferior, which enraged Ning Shi, that film was his work of dedication, and then inexplicably began to bet.


This is Zhao Liya’s racial talent, after all, the rabbit smashing are not martial virtues and good at fooling.


The most terrible thing is that every time to fool others limp, she is still two not touch, watching the theatre posture.


Shen Mou Teng said: “Director, you’re basically giving this five million for nothing.”


Fang Bo: “More than just white to ah? Simply is to get together to send money. Think about it, although Tie Zhu’s film has a low cost, but with him and Xu Baodi starring, 200 million box office is not a sprinkle of water? Even if the Spring Festival stalls next year, with their line-up, as long as the plot doesn’t pull down too much, how can 200 million be difficult?”


Ning Shi slapped his head, “I’ve been fooled! Zhao Liya you’re too sinister!”


The truth is indeed so, in terms of the lineup, Li Tiezhu and Xu Shanqiang’s combination is not worse than Fang Bo and Shen Mouteng, everyone 50-50. After all, Li Tiezhu is really too colourful in these two years, coupled with the explosive popularity of Soldier’s Assault, the box office appeal is also just.


Zhao Liya shrugged her shoulders and gave Li Tiezhu a piece of shrimp slider, who let you guys snub Tiezhu’s treat?


Shen Mouteng added a knife: “Moreover, ‘Kung Fu’ is also released in the Spring Festival slot, the influence of Master Star’s work can be worse? Li Tiezhu is the male lead in Kung Fu, so you can tell us whether the audience will want to watch another film after watching it, right? Li Tiezhu is also scheduled for the Chinese New Year slot, which is actually very cockamamie.”


Ning Shi nodded, “Indeed, let’s not try to compete for first place in the Spring Festival slot for our film, let’s compete for second place! Our opponent is Wandering Earth.”


Zhao Liya scalded a duck sausage, “You guys can’t stand ‘Lost in Transit’ that much?”


Ning Shi: “It’s not that I can’t see it, we’re a 200 million dollar blockbuster, the box office has to go to 1.5 billion, right? It’s also seven times, this is my principle of making films!”


Good guy, he was loaded.


I make film box office is more than seven times the investment, this is not a level problem, this is my principle of being a human being.


Zhao Liya arch fire, asked Li Tiezhu: “Your film, box office target how much?”


Li Tiezhu: “One billion. Aunt Tao Hong said, she is the producer well.”


In fact, the film’s main investor is Li Tiezhu and Xu Shan dispute, the two together invested 25 million, the remaining five million to the other parties, Song Zhu’er said that this is called rain and dew, she has always been so generous.


Managing a good zoo can be much more difficult than managing an entertainment company, Zhu’er is a natural manager.


“Ooh, Tie Zhu you really dare to say that! Breaking a billion on your first film?”


Fang Bo couldn’t listen anymore, although he also hard invested half a million in Lost in Space, but it was all a mix-up, he didn’t think about making too much, thinking that if that film could have a five hundred million box office, he could also get back two or three million.


Ning Shi nodded his head repeatedly, he is not looking down on Li Tiezhu, but he knows too much, just based on the retarded strength of his acting, how to direct a film?


What to take to break a billion? Take the head broken ah?


Shen Mouteng poked and prodded: “Bo, if Li Tiezhu broke a billion what to do? What are you betting on?”


Fang Bo: “I also bet five million how? Let me tell you this, I invested half a million in his film, if it breaks one billion, I’ll make five million, I won’t lose!”


Shen Mouteng: “Yo! It’s kind of interesting.”


Fang Bo looked to Shen Mouteng: “You also bet a bit?”


Shen Mouteng smiled badly: “I don’t! Gambling is against the law! I’m a good citizen.”


Li Tiezhu said: “Brother Teng can not, he is a very bad person, a face of bad look, gambling everything lose, I have been on his show, this is not a persona but character.”


Shen Mouteng anxious: “You can not! I how how …… how not work?”


Zhao Liya: “Then you also come to five million? We all have fun.”


Shen Mouteng IQ old high: “No! Why give you guys to have fun? To have fun also line, two billion, box office broken two billion, I give you five million, did not pass, you give me.”


Li Tiezhu waved his hand: “This is not a clear loss of money? I don’t.”


“Take it!”


Zhao Liya watched the fun and immediately clapped her hands.


Shen Mouteng smiled but not laughed: “Little Liya, can you be Tiezhu’s master? To be able to, I can be happy, a toast to you.”


Zhao Liya picked up the wine glass and said, “I’ll do the talking! Don’t be afraid Silly Pillar, three bets, as long as you win two you won’t lose, a billion isn’t too much of a problem, is it? Don’t panic, you look for me when it’s time to declare and release, and I’ll give you the whole job.”


Ning stone stunned to find that he has become a joke, people are betting on one billion two billion, he bet with him a two hundred million, together is a sure loss ah!




If I did something wrong, please let Song Zhu’er sanction me! Why should I let Zhao Liya do it?


Song Zhu’er’s words, at most, cause a little mental harm, this is different, mental material double harm, the most excessive is back to be a fool!


So why did I challenge myself to hire Li Tiezhu again when it came to The God of Medicine?


There must be a problem somewhere.


Ning Shi suddenly said, “Can I upgrade the cabin?”


Shen Mouteng: “Pfft ……”


The beer spewed out.


Fang Bo also laughed: “It’s not like you’re on an aeroplane, and you’re upgrading?”


Ning Shi: “Not fair! It’s all a bet, why is it 200 million for me and 2 billion for him? Isn’t this clearly a pitfall for me?”


Zhao Liya said, “Let’s put it this way, director, buying and selling is fair, the bet is also between you and me, so I’m afraid that such a blatant backtracking is a bad influence.”


“How exactly can I get an upgrade?”


“Have to add money.”


“Erm …… how much to add?”


“For example, one billion box office thirty million?”


“Forget it then, having been a fool once, you want me to be a fool a second time?”


Ning Shi refused, he had already figured out that the one billion box office didn’t look like it would be too hard, and Room Bo was a losing game.


The hot pot was eaten for two hours, except for Ning Shi who was fooled into paying the IQ tax, everyone ate and drank to their heart’s content. Taking advantage of the fact that Fang Bo and Shen Mouteng were drinking, Ning Shi filmed another scene of the two of them getting drunk.


Li Tiezhu is still helping the crew to get busy in and out, Zhao Liya flirted with Ning Shi from time to time, which were all resolved by his quick wit, he now found that this woman looks innocent and cute, but she is more dangerous than Song Zhu’er.


This bitch doesn’t look like a good person!


At night, it was finally time to film Li Tiezhu and Zhao Liya’s cameo scene.


The story is simple, Geng Hao and Dafei get drunk on aliens, and after calling the police, Geng Hao wants the police to arrest the aliens, but Dafei wants to take the aliens to make medicinal wine, so he tries his best to stop it.


Ning Shi told Li Tiezhu and Zhao Liya about the play, and then, uneasily asked Li Tiezhu: “Did Tiezhu understand?”


Li Tiezhu said, “Understood.”


Ning Shi gave an oh and added: “You’re a preconceived character, you don’t trust Geng Hao at all at the beginning, even a little bored kind of thing.”


Li Tiezhu: “I see.”


Ning Shi broke Li Tiezhu’s face to confirm, after all, there had been a lesson, so he didn’t dare to gullibly trust Li Tiezhu: “Come on, say the first and second lines again, I’ll take a ride with you.”


Li Tiezhu: “How much wine do you drink?”


Ning Shi: “Didn’t drink.”


Li Tiezhu said irritably, “How much to drink?”


Ning Shi clapped his hands and said, “Unscientific! This is absolutely unscientific!”


Shen Mouteng said, “What? Didn’t Tiezhu act quite well?”


Fang Bo cheaply said, “That’s why it’s unscientific ah, this time there is no translation he actually understood the director to talk about the scene, it’s too metaphysical. Two years ago when he made a cameo, he didn’t make the director angry and kicked me a few times hard.”


Regardless, Li Tiezhu was able to act, so it was much less difficult.


After all departments were ready, Ning Shi: “Love Nemesis!”




The field recorders hit the board and the show began.


Li Tiezhu, dressed in a police uniform, followed the hand-dancing and gushing Fang Bo towards the entrance of the Mountain of Flowers and Fruits, and Zhao Liya followed behind in a small electric police car.


Geng Hao: “I tell you ah, inside that alien he will fly, not, he can fly people up, just hang me up, have to be another two floors notice, take a big chain on the first floor, ouch ……”




Room Bo is acting into, suddenly fell forward.


Is Zhao Liya driving a small tram crooked follow over, bumped into the room Bo arse.


Ning Shi: “Cut!”


The staff gathered around.


Li Tiezhu helped up Fang Bo: “Is everything alright?”


Zhao Liya also nervously jumped out of the car, “I’m sorry! I guessed wrong when I stepped on the brakes.”


Fang Bo was okay, grimacing and rubbing his bum: “My goodness, last time Li Tiezhu kicked me, this time Zhao Liya you directly drove into me, how did I offend you guys?”


Ning Shi: “Didn’t you say you know how to drive an electric car? Where’s the snakeskin walk?”


Zhao Liya said, “The electric car I said is the two-wheeled kind ah, who knew it was this kind? Throttle brake in one piece, the design is not reasonable at all.”


Ning stone: “You do not have a driver’s licence?”


Zhao Liya justified: “I only turned eighteen last month! How could I get a driving licence? However, Song Zhu’er got me a fake one, do you want to see it? I have it with me.”


Ning Shi exploded in anger: “I’ll look at a hammer! What’s the use of a fake? You don’t know how to drive, how can you film this scene?”


Zhao Liya: “I can drive, I’m just not very good at this kind of driving.”


Ning Shi: “I’d say get a male actor to drive, Li Tiezhu your arse!”


Zhao Liya thought about it and said, “How about keying the green screen?”


Ning Shi: “Just one scene, still do special effects? I might as well spend money on a new actor.”


Zhao Liya: “That can’t be, we signed a contract, this role I will play.”


Ning Shi: “……”


Li Tiezhu looked at Ning Shi rather sympathetically, it’s not easy for me to be smarter, right, there are other people who sanctioned him, and directing is also a high-risk occupation.

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