The Rockstar Chapter 582

Although it was his first day in the crew, Star Chow was not rusty at all, easily directing the departments and actors in a dripping mess, seemingly busy but orderly, and surprisingly more efficient than when Li Tiezhu was directing the film.


In addition to Master Star’s own experience and ability, the main reason is that the “Lost in Transit” crew structure and working style, almost a streamlined version of the “Kung Fu” crew, workflow and mode of operation completely copied.


Because Li Tiezhu and Sun Heehee, the two simpletons, had only made a TV series like Soldier’s Assault before and had a lot of problems with it, they chose to copy the way they did their homework.


When Li Tiezhu went to film “Kung Fu”, he was stealing from his masters, while Hong Dabao and Star Chow even stopped to teach him from time to time, fearing that he wouldn’t be able to learn.


It’s also because of this that Star is able to be so seamless in this cast and, in between takes, help smooth out problematic segments to make the whole cast more compact and efficient.


At the beginning, people were still watching the joke, thinking that Master Xing was here to sanction Li Tiezhu, but at the back they stopped laughing.


Obviously, Master Star is here to give Li Tiezhu a lesson.


“This big panorama has to be properly designed, understand? It exists not to transition the plot, but to explain the environment the protagonists face next.”


“Ah ……”


“The distant view is of a moving bus, and the close up view is of a tea garden and tea farmers, right? What about the features?”


“What features?”


“Ugh! You go away. Sun hee hee, where is the interesting point of the picture? It’s flat? You know it’s flat, don’t you want to change it? Then who, go to the village and find a four or five year old to pee here.”


“Wouldn’t that be too violent?”


“It’s like this, the kid pees, then the car hits someone, and the kid’s peeing comes to a screeching halt amidst the sound of the brakes. After Li Tiezhu got the grandmother’s date palm out, the child continued to pee.”


“Peeing for such a long time?”


“What do you care, comedy understand? Where’s all the realistic logic?”


“Will it fail the trial?”


“Let’s shoot it first! Besides, it’s a borrowed film. Do you think a kid can really pee that much? How good are his kidneys?”


However, Li Tiezhu’s enlightenment was extremely limited, and he didn’t learn much at all.


Star Chow wasn’t angry either, because he had already expected it, so he had been giving the director of photography and assistant director Sun Hip-Hip a lot of times, saying that although this guy was lewd looking, he was professionally competent and very smart.


He has already figured out that Sun Hip Hip basically tied to Li Tiezhu’s chariot in this life, and the two of them are woefully united, er …… merged babies?


Anyway, Sun Hip Hip has the ability but no capital and no creativity, Li Tiezhu has ideas and resources but is a fool, these two people together are mutually beneficial and win-win, divided into a lose-lose situation.


After filming the children’s footage in the tea garden, Star Chow took the crew into the village to shoot the footage of the village chief dragging the old lady across the road.


Sun Hip Hop and Li Tie Zhu were pulled alongside Star Chow to watch.


In the distance, Deer Hani is lying on the rural brick wall forced to do business, giving Liu Xiaohua an autograph, she brought hundreds of Deer Hani posters, ready to get the signature and go back to sell big money.


Since the failure of the jitterbug band, she can receive less advertisements, and did the hook of selling signatures.


Hands are signing soft, deer Hani said: “sister! Let brother rest for a while?”


Liu Xiaohua handed the chili sticks to the fat deer and said: “Eat some, I’ll do it!”


Then, Liu Xiaohua picked up the signature pen brush brush work up, do not say, she copied the deer Hani signature, but also quite a few charm.


Deer Hani was touched: “Nowadays children are so desperate to make money? Then what excuse do I have for not working hard?”


Liu Xiaohua: “My mother is having a second child, I want to lay a solid financial foundation for leaving home again.”


On the other side Xu Shanqiang handed Tao Hong a cup of coffee from the programme and said, “Li Tiezhu has a good life!”


Tao Hong shook her head, “There’s only hatred without a reason in this world, there’s no love without a reason, there must be a reason why the bigwigs in the entire Xiangjiang circle favour Li Tiezhu so much. Before filming started, Yuan Pinghe, Hong Dabao and Wu Jing all called to ask if I needed a martial arts director, who in general has this treatment?”


Xu Shanqian: “This ‘Lost in Transit’ looks like it has a good future, is a sequel scheduled?”


Tao Hong: “Of course! Let’s not talk about the box office, after all, next year’s Spring Festival slot is too scary, but this film at least the word of mouth will not be bad, it’s worth a sequel.”


Xu Shanqian: “But, Li Tiezhu said that the sequel is going to Thailand to shoot, I’m afraid the cost is not low ……”


Tao Hong: “Look at the box office of this drama! Star Chow has put up such a fight, if the box office still can’t take off, then it’s our problem.”


“It shouldn’t be any worse than Heart and Flower, right?”


Xu Shanqian Alexander, this was his first time to main cast a film, although the money was not the most invested, but the percentage was the highest, it was inevitable to suffer.


“Hey, that bald! Come over to shoot the film, is the film crew run by your family? Halfway through filming, you’re going to get a girl? Throw!”


Star Chow let out a roar.


“Coming coming, sorry director ……”


“I’m not the director!”


“Yes …… sorry Master Star.”


Xu Shanqian ran over with a continuous waist, and did not dare to explain ah, the theatre group is really my family opened, I opened with Li Tiezhu, and, that producer is my daughter-in-law.


“Not just want to blackmail money? Five hundred!”


“Too little ah? How about a thousand?”


“Hey! Twelve thousand?”


“I’m rolling over! Don’t hurry over here ……”


Soon, the villagers with all kinds of agricultural tools surrounded the bus, Li Chenggong was so scared that he grabbed Niu Geng’s pan and hid in the car, the driver, Zhou Xingxing, also closed the door, and threw the money out of his hat and returned it to Li Chenggong.


Niu Geng was squeezed out of the car, the door also closed, he looked bewildered.


The villagers surrounded the car banging and shouting.


Niu Geng walked around the car without any sense of contradiction in the group of villagers, and someone handed him a hoe and pushed him to help smash the car, Niu Geng walked to the front of the car with the hoe, put the hoe down, and began to warm up.


The detail of handing him a hoe was added by Star Chow, saying that it was to reflect the reason why Niu Geng was able to go round to the front of the car without any problems – the villagers looked at him as dirt and treated him as one of their own.


Next, Niu Geng carries his bag next to the car and starts showing strange warm-up moves.


There was a haystack next to the car, a yellow cow was grazing, it watched the warm-up movement of Niu Geng, who was close by, and stopped eating the grass, turned around and turned his arse to Niu Geng.


Niu Geng gave the cow a blank look and went to the front of the cart to press his legs again.


Then, Niu Geng picked up the old lady and began to shake up, and soon squeezed out the date pits.


Granny “live” over, the villagers also do not surround the car, have helped Granny go, the road also gave way.


The car, the driver Zhou star dangling cigarette, grabbed the money just dropped back into the hat, began to screw the car key ignition.


Li Success looked at the driver with a nervous face.


“Well? Can you go?”


“This time ah kind of fell big, completely shut down, can not go.”


“Then what to do?”


“Can’t you see I’m going to call? Let the company send a car.”


“When will it arrive?”


“I’m afraid the earliest will be tomorrow.”


Star Chow flicked the ashes of his cigarette with his left hand and held the mobile phone with his right hand, sticking out his extra-long tongue to dial the phone, the aging Star’s tongue was too flexible.


Doodle Doodle Doodle ……


Li Success eyes are looking straight, eyebrows wrinkled into a Chuan character, the same look as watching Li Tiezhu drink milk.


You are going to make me whole god with this operation.


Although Star Chow had done it in his previous film, but at that time, mobile phones were still physical buttons ah!


“Card! Go see the effect.”


There was nothing for Li Tiezhu in this scene, he watched Star Chow perform under the car, and then revealed an expression of worship:


“Crap! Master Star is Master Star, this wave of tongue dialling, I am convinced!”


Deer Hani laughed stupidly all: “I’m Nima …… Master Star is the most razzle-dazzle existence wherever he goes! Minutes to steal away the Xu Shanqiang teacher’s play.”


Li Tiezhu: “That can not be helped, as long as there is him in the picture, no matter what he does is the c position ah …… not to mention that it is still such a tawdry operation?”


Even Li Tiezhu could predict the image of the audience in the cinema bursting with laughter when this clip was played, it would definitely be an image they would remember for the rest of their lives.


Regardless of whether this driver played by Star Chow was qualified or not, this plot alone could pull up the gimmick of Lost in Transit!


Be sure to cut this footage into the trailer, it will definitely leave people wanting more!


It’s settled!


Then, Li Tiezhu took out his mobile phone and called up the call interface, and also stuck out his tongue and tried, but it didn’t ring at all.


Why is that?


Just now, Star Chow, however, did not use dubbing, but really pressed the number buttons, so it will make a normal dialling beep sound.


Deer Hani also silently took out his mobile phone, stuck out his tongue and started licking the screen, with no response.


Li Tiezhu looked around and found that several staff members were all doing the same thing, holding their mobile phones and sticking out their tongues.


Next to Xu Shanqian who was watching the effect of the quick cut with Star Chow, he also quietly took out his mobile phone, turned his back and licked it twice, obviously there was no reaction, so he looked at Star Chow oddly.


Star Chow mysteriously smiled with a superior style: “Want to learn ah? I teach you ah!”


Xu Shanqian was a little embarrassed.


Li Tiezhu Deerhani and the others quickly leaned over.


Star Chow: “It’s actually very simple, first shiver the saliva on your tongue, regenerate your tongue and lick your chin and lick the tip of your nose, thoroughly rub it dry, and then you can press it. Like this!”


Saying that, Star Chow also covered up in public that his tongue was really long.


sl*tty or you are more sl*tty!


In terms of tartness, no one in the whole world can do it better than Master Star.


In the comedy world Master Star is the father, forever dropping God!


Li Tiezhu: “……”


Everyone said they were speechless because no one but him could lick the tip of his nose.


So what’s the point of learning!


In fact, taking the back of your hand and rubbing it is okay, just not as flirty.


It’s just fascinating, the whole crew a bunch of people licking their phones there, several cameos and watching villagers trying it too.


Deerhani quietly came in and said, “Master Star is inhuman! Whose tongue can be so long?”


Li Tiezhu didn’t say anything, and justifiably remembered Catzi, who could do it too.


Master Star looked at the edited dailies and laughed at himself, and the others were overjoyed, mainly because Master Star, who had just been talking properly, licked the screen at the drop of a hat, with an arrogant expression and too much comedy.


“Card! This one is over, let’s call it a day! Where’s your flopping director? Li Tiezhu stop licking, come here.”


Master Star clapped his hands and said.