The Real Dragon Chapter 6470

When Wilson Wu mentioned Professor Jane’s invitation, Jacob Wilson only felt his brain explode with a buzzing sound.

Originally a thief, he was busy, and said to Wilson Wu on the phone, “Well well well, so what, I know, nothing else hang up ah, hang up first!”

After saying that, he hurriedly pressed the hang up button.

Elaine on the side curiously asked, “Professor Jane, what Professor Jane?”

Jacob Wilson, if he had a better mental quality, at this time naturally said that it was a colleague from the University of the Elderly, and the probability of this matter would have passed.

But Jacob Wilson is the kind of psychological quality is extremely poor, and the battle must be panic, a panic must be chaotic players.

Elaine just casually asked, and the cold sweat on his forehead was already flowing down.

So, while nervously stealing glances at Elaine, he couldn’t control his stuttering as he spoke, “No …… no one ……”

Elaine realised something was wrong and frowned, “I asked you what Professor Jane, what do you mean by no one? Who is Professor Jane? What invitation? What are you being invited for?”

Saying this, Elaine saw that Jacob Wilson already had cold sweat running down between his ears and temples, so she immediately asked after him, “Jacob Wilson, what are you nervous about? What exactly are you hiding from me?”

Jacob Wilson’s heart was flustered to the extreme, but could only explain stiffly, “I really have nothing to hide from you ah …… what am I hiding from you ……”

Elaine stared unblinkingly at Jacob Wilson, and Jacob Wilson how dare to meet her eyes, can only pretend to focus on the front.

Elaine spoke at this time, “Jacob Wilson, you can’t hide anything on your face! You must be up to something behind my back!”

After saying that, she immediately wanted to open the armrest box to see what was going on.

Jacob Wilson how dare to let her see, that invitation although he did not open to see, but the invitation is certainly above the name of the bride and groom, if you let Elaine see Jane three words, this thing will be a complete thunderstorm!

So, he could only give up, using his elbow to press down on the armrest box, saying nothing to let Elaine open it.

But the more he did, the more Elaine was suspicious in her heart, and the more she wanted to find out.

Thus, she gritted her teeth and yelled at Jacob Wilson, “I’m warning you Jacob Wilson, if you are sensible, you should immediately remove your arm from me right now, so that I can see what’s going on! Otherwise, I’m not done with you for this matter today!”

Jacob Wilson and anxious and afraid, while continuing to die pressed, while resisting: “Oops, really nothing, it is a colleague to get married to me sent invitations, broken invitations have what to see ……”

Elaine said sternly: “Just a broken invitation, why can’t you let me see? I still want to see it today, you spread it out for me, hurry up!”

Jacob Wilson shook his head repeatedly, “Don’t look, it’s really just a wedding invitation ……”

Elaine saw that he was dead stubborn and did not let go, so she was furious and suddenly lay on his right arm and bit it violently.