Secret Great Phoenix Chen Chapter 6663

…The few times you wanted to go to the Heavenly Fragrance Mansion to see the world, it was me who took you to the diamond box, and it was also me who introduced Master Hong Fifth to you, and he was very polite to you because of his excellent relationship with me, and if you treat me like this now, how are you going to face him in the future?”

President Pei’s expression was cloying for a while, thinking, “What the hell time is it, you still take Master Hong Fifth out to pretend with me, if Master Hong Fifth had expressed even the slightest intention of wanting to protect you over the phone, I would definitely have done my best, okay.”

However, President Pei didn’t dare to dump the pot on Master Hong, so he could only say coldly, “Chang Kun, I’ve just told you very clearly, this matter is not my decision, it’s the decision of the entire Calligraphy and Painting Association, except for me, all the other people! They all want you to leave, what can I do? If you’re here to question me, why don’t you ask yourself why you’re so badly liked in the association? If you were well-liked in the Association, how could you be pushed out? You have to understand, apart from me, there’s not a single person who wants you to stay, so listen carefully! Yes! One! One! All of them! None! Yes!”

Xiao Changkun didn’t care about this, he gritted his teeth and said, “Don’t you talk to me about these useless things, I only know that you promised me that you would secure me a vice president position, or at the very least, a director, but you didn’t do it! You’re breaking your word if you didn’t do it!”

President Pei coldly said, “Then if you want to think that way, I can’t do anything about it, whatever you want, whether you curse me or hate me, I have nothing to say, but I’ll only remind you of one thing ah Xiao Changkun, the reason why you ended up in this situation today is that you are to blame for yourself! If you hadn’t done that nasty thing, not only would you not have been removed from the association, but there is a great probability that you would have been able to succeed me as the president, so I advise you to reflect on this period of time in Dubai, and to look for the problems on your own body instead of blaming all the faults on others!”

Said, he did not wait for Xiao Changkun to speak, continued: “By the way, when you come back the first time to contact Xiaowu, he usually walk with you closer, so you let him for you to leave the formalities on it, learn to use you what personal belongings, but also let him help you to pack up, you’d better not come back again, or we do not know what kind of eyes have to look at you, the two of us on the friendship of the two.That we both on the friendship, I can only do this for you, you heart appreciate or not, hate me or not, I can say that I have already done a conscience, so that’s it, you later take care of it, goodbye.”

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Xiao Changkun pounded his chest, never thought, thought that this thing is finally going to pass, the results in the end to their own hold a big move!

Now, he was kicked out of the Painting and Calligraphy Association, in the future, will not become a hobo again?