Am I A Gigolo 1774

“Stop it ……”

The red-haired girl was stunned and nervously took out a black gold necklace from her bag, looked at it reluctantly, stuffed it back into her bag, then took the bag and ran out to chase the Leng family’s bodyguards.

Hua Xiaofo immediately followed and took advantage of the crowd to bump into the girl.

“Ah!” The red-haired girl almost fell down from her bump.

Hua Xiaofo bowed her head and said “sorry”, then hurriedly left ……

“Hurry up, it’ll be trouble if they leave.”

The little sister dragged the red-haired girl after the Leng family’s bodyguards.

Walking to the back door, seeing that the bodyguards were about to get into the car, the girl hurriedly reached in her bag for the necklace, only to find that it was gone, but there was an extra wad of dollars in the bag ……

Her eyes widened in shock and her whole body was confused there.

“What’s wrong?”

“The necklace, the necklace is gone ……”

“No way! Hurry up and look for it, dump everything out and find it ……”

“It’s gone, it’s really gone.” The red-haired girl searched for a long time but couldn’t find it and was about to cry, “What to do? What do we do?”

“Relax, let’s go back and look, if you can’t find it, just pretend you didn’t pick it up ……”

“Oooooooh, Marisa, don’t tell anyone, otherwise I’ll be finished.”

“Don’t worry, we’re sisters.”


Hua Xiaofo hid in the corner, heard these conversations and saw the two girls return to go, this time leaving rea*sured.

It shouldn’t even involve them.

When everyone was gone, Hua Xiaofo took out the necklace and took a closer look, a black gold chain with a cross as the pendant, it was familiar, even the temperature carried her body heat ……

She was pretty sure that it was hers.

She was about to put the necklace on when a thought occurred to her, wearing it would reveal her identity, wouldn’t it, or should she put it away first ……

Without thinking much about it, she put the necklace into her bag and prepared to leave the blaze.

At this moment, those several bodyguards suddenly folded back ……

It turned out that it was Leng Di Feng who had arrived, and a line of people escorted him, striding this way.

Hua Xiaofo panicked in her heart, in case she was recognized by him, she would be in trouble.

So, she had to return to the casino once again.

And at that moment, the red-haired girl and her purple-haired sister from before were looking for her everywhere ……

“It must be that brunette girl from earlier, she bumped into me, maybe that’s when she stole the necklace.”

“That’s right, it must be her.”

“We have to find her as soon as possible, or else those people will find out and I’ll be dead, woohoo ……”

“Don’t worry, I’ll find it with you.”

There were wolves in front and tigers at the back, there were people looking for her on both sides.

Hua Xiaofo was very anxious in her heart, what to do? What to do?

She looked around and found a small warehouse behind her and slipped inside.

The warehouse was full of stage costumes and some small props, masks, tulle, wings and other things ……

Hua Xiaofo casually found a red sarong to put on, changed into a blonde wig, then put on a mysteriously sexy black lace mask, then changed into a backpack and just strutted out.

“Strange, why can’t I find her? Shouldn’t have gotten very far.”

“Could it be the new little sister from the casino? Overheard our conversation and knew the necklace was worth a lot of money, so she stole it on purpose?”

“Shall we go and ask the owner?”

“No, ask and we’ll know about the necklace, it’s better to find it ourselves.”

“Okay ……”

The two girls looked around for the long, dark, straight Asian girl from before, but Hua Xiaofo walked right past them and neither of them recognized her.

Hua Xiaofo quickened her pace and was about to leave through the front door when suddenly, a familiar cold voice came from behind her, “Stop!”

It was Leng Di Feng!

She stopped in her tracks, her brows furrowed, and in her heart she screamed in disgust ……