I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 731

Fu Jingting walked over, sat down and naturally wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her on the cheek, “It’s over.”

“Huh, you’re smoking.” Rongshu smelt the smell of smoke on him and her little face frowned before she reached out to block his face and pushed it to the side.

Fu Jingting was stunned for a moment, then looked down and sniffed himself, “Does it smell great?”

“Not very much, but I can smell it.” Rongshu shook her head back.

And the smell of smoke wasn’t unpleasant, instead it carried a hint of fragrance.

It was just that she didn’t like cigarettes, so she didn’t like the scent with it either.

“Why are you smoking for a good reason?” Rongshu steamed the ground coffee beans, then asked again, “Is something wrong, are you in a bad mood? I see you’ve been on the phone for quite a long time.”

Fu Jingting picked up the white water on the side and took a sip, “It’s nothing, it’s been taken care of.”

“So.” Nodding without asking, Rongshu put the cap on the alcohol lamp and put out the fire, then poured two cups of coffee.

After pouring, she pushed one of the cups over to Fu Jingting, “Blue Mountain coffee, the original flavour you like to drink, how about trying it? It’s my first time making it, it shouldn’t be overcooked.”

Fu Jingting picked up the cup of pure coffee with a strong aroma, but it looked like Chinese medicine, and after a gentle sniff, the corners of his mouth hooked slightly, he said, “It smells good, it must taste good, not to mention that you made it yourself, even if it’s not good, I will still drink it all.”

Rongshu gave him a blank look, “You’re so slick, who did you learn that from?”

“This is from my heart, it’s not a slick talker.” Fu Jingting said seriously.

Rongshu shook her head and lost her smile, “Alright, drink up.”

With those words, she lowered her head and put the milk and sugar in her own cup.

She wasn’t like Fu Jingting, she liked her coffee plain, she still liked to put supplementary ingredients in it, otherwise it was too bitter.

“By the way, how long have you been talking to Cheng Huai?” Fu Jingting suddenly put down his coffee and asked.

The way he was staring at her closely was like a husband checking up on her.

Rongshu raised a nice brow, “What? Jealous?”

“If you’ve been talking to him for a long time, of course I’m jealous.” Fu Jingting unapologetically admitted that he was indeed unhappy, pursing his thin lips and adding, “After all, it’s not like you don’t know what Cheng Huai has in mind for you.”

Rongshu stirred the coffee in her cup with her coffee spoon, smiled a little and said “Two minutes, will that answer cheer you up?”

Two minutes?

Fu Jingting’s lips couldn’t hide the curvature, “Not bad.”

Rongshu held her forehead.

At this time, Tong’s secretary knocked on the door, “Chairman, Mr. Fu, it’s lunch break time, what do you want to eat, I’ll call and make a reservation.”

Rongshu looked at Fu Jingting, the meaning was obvious, asking him what he wanted to eat, after all, he was the guest, everything should be done with him as the first priority.

However, Fu Jingting shook his head, “I’ll go with you, I’ll eat whatever you want.”

Secretary Tong covered her lips and smiled, “Chairman, Mr. Fu really pampers you, he eats everything according to your taste.”

Rongshu blushed at the comment, “Which is not true.”

“Of course there is, I’m talking about it aren’t I Mr. Fu.” Secretary Tong looked towards Fu Jingting.

Fu Jingting put down his coffee and lifted his chin slightly, giving her a ‘you’re good’ look, “You’re right, she’s my lover, who do I spoil if not her? Her preferences are most important and I follow them all.”

After saying that, he looked at her, his eyes revealing deep affection.

Rongshu’s face reddened even more, the blush gradually staining the tips of her ears, making her stunningly beautiful.

If not for the outsiders here, he would have wanted to lift her chin and kiss her fiercely.

Thinking about it, Fu Jingting suddenly gave Secretary Tong a cold look.

This person was so redundant here.

But turning around and thinking about it, if she hadn’t come and said those words, he wouldn’t have seen Rong Shu blush.

Naturally, Secretary Tong sensed that Fu Jingting’s attitude towards her was suddenly somewhat displeased, and a row of question marks popped up on top of her head.

Had she done or said something wrong?

Why was Mr. Fu suddenly glaring at her?

After tilting her head, unable to understand, Secretary Tong didn’t think much about it and her gaze fell on Rong Shu, “Chairman, what would you like to eat? Is it the same as usual?”

Rong Shu thought for a moment, then nodded, “Yes, let’s follow the usual, but add two more dishes, one crab stuffed with orange and one prawn with phoenix tail.”

Fu Jingting’s eyes glowed, and the curve of his mouth grew thicker and thicker.

These were all the ones he loved to eat.

Secretary Tong pushed her gla*ses, “I know Chairman, I’m on my way.”

After saying that, she turned around and prepared to go out.

Rongshu thought of something and called out to her, “Wait a moment.”

“Chairman, is there anything else you want?” Secretary Tong stopped in her tracks.

Rong Shu looked at her, “I spoke to Ah Qi once just now and he asked me about you.”

Hearing this, Secretary Tong’s face changed, but she quickly regained her composure and queried, “Chairman, what did General Lu …… ask me about ah?”

The hands on either side of her were clasped up somewhat nervously.

Mr. Lu didn’t like her, and after a*signing her to the chairman as his secretary, he even never asked her, nor did he care how she was doing over here, whether she was used to it in Tiansheng.

It could be said that after Mr. Lu had transferred her over, it was as if there was no such person as her.

She was a bit uncomfortable and flattered when the chairman suddenly asked about her.

I wonder why Mr. Lu is asking about her, is it because of that incident that made Mr. Lu have her in his heart?

Secretary Tong couldn’t help but venture a guess.

Of course, she knew it was unlikely, but maybe it was true?

Didn’t they say that the first woman was the one who made a man most memorable.

She had been by Mr. Lu’s side for so many years, and was very sure that she was his first woman.

Maybe Mr. Lu really came to the chairman to ask about her because he remembered that night and remembered her, and he couldn’t help but come to the chairman to ask about her.

At this moment, Secretary Tong’s heart beat faster, looking at Rong Shu’s eyes with anticipation written all over them.

Looking forward to it, the answer she wanted to hear.

As Secretary Tong was too excited, she couldn’t even hide it.

At a glance, Rongshu and Fu Jingting could tell what she was expecting.

Rongshu and Fu Jingting looked at each other.

Fu Jingting didn’t react much, for him, apart from Rong Shu, he didn’t care about anyone else’s business.

And Rong Shu sighed secretly, feeling sorry for Secretary Tong in her heart.

“Secretary Tong.” Although Rong Shu was a little intolerant, she thought about it and decided to tell Secretary Tong the truth.

After all, living in a fantasy all the time was not a good thing.

Immersing oneself in a fantasy for too long would make one feel that it was real, and in the end, one would fall into misery when one was poked at it for being an illusion.

Therefore, it was better to let Secretary Tong see clearly earlier, before he was fully immersed in the environment.

It was better to have a long pain than a short one.

“Chairman, you said.” When Secretary Tong heard Rong Shu’s shout, she knew that Rong Shu was going to say something and hurried back to her senses.

Rong Shu’s red lips twitched, “That …… Ah Qi approached me to ask if you have any abnormalities recently.”

The moment these words came out, Secretary Tong’s face instantly went white, and the expectations and hopes that rose in her heart also seemed to be poured over with a pot of cold water, all washed away, the cold stiffened her body, and it was only after a while that she opened her mouth and made a sound, “Chairman, did Mr. Lu only ask about this?”

“Mm.” Rong Shu nodded her head.

Secretary Tong’s palm gripped tighter, “What does the perverse …… mean in Mr. Lu’s mouth?”

Could it be that Mr. Lu knew from somewhere that she had been vomiting from time to time recently, guessed that she might be pregnant, and came to the chairman of the board specifically to pry around, right?