I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 762

“Boyfriend?” The woman froze, then reacted, “So you’re this gentleman’s girlfriend, sorry.”

She took her hand away from Fu Jingting’s chest and smiled at Rong Shu, “Sorry Miss, I didn’t mean to, I just thought of wiping this gentleman’s face, so I accidentally put my hand on it, you shouldn’t mind, right?”

She said she was sorry, but her face didn’t have the slightest intention to apologize, instead she even held a smile.

That smile, no matter how you looked at it, had a provocative taste.

Especially the words ‘You shouldn’t mind, right’, which smelled like green tea, further proved that she was provoking.

Rongshu was about to be exasperated.

She probably knew why this woman had deliberately provoked her, she must have taken a fancy to Fu Jingting.

After all, Fu Jingting was a good-looking man, with a good height, a good figure, a top-notch temperament, and a billion dollar fortune.

It was strange that such a superb man would not be targeted.

As she thought about it, Rong Shu looked at the man on the hospital bed who had not yet woken up with his eyes closed, her heart was angry, furious and heartbroken.

She was angry because it had only been a short time since he had hooked up with another rotten girl.

And heartbroken because he was lying here with a bandage around his head, which was painful at first glance.

Sighing, Rong Shu knew that the appearance of this green tea was not Fu Jingting’s fault, so after being angry with Fu Jingting for a while, she withdrew her gaze and turned her attention back to the woman in front of her, saying in a cold voice “Who said I don’t mind?

Her tone was nonchalant, and there was also a hint of authority in her voice, strongly urging the woman to hurry up and move away from the hospital bed.

The woman’s smile froze, obviously not expecting Rong Shu to speak so directly, not giving her any face, for a moment a shade of darkness crossed her eyes, but quickly dissipated, raising a gentle smile again, “Sorry, Miss, I know you mind my presence, but I really can’t move away, because I caused this gentleman’s accident, so I have to be responsible for it! I would like to stay with this gentleman and look after him until he recovers, so I hope you will understand.”

Rongshu was stunned by her tea words, how could she have imagined that this woman would say such grand words in order to stay by Fu Jingting’s side, it was simply disgusting.

The woman’s eyes were no longer warm, only full of anger and disgust, “This lady, you caused my boyfriend to lie here, it is right to be responsible, but there are millions of ways to be responsible, I think my boyfriend does not need to rely on your care to be responsible, after all, I am here as a girlfriend, it should be my business to take care of. So I advise you to step less out of line.”

Rongshu thought she had said this well enough.

After all, no woman would have a good attitude towards a green tea who was staring at her boyfriend.

Some grumpy ones would just point their noses and scold.

She, on the other hand, had only spoken slightly harsher.

She hoped that this woman would have the cheek to know what shame meant and would behave herself and move aside, otherwise she would not be polite.

She was no longer the weak Rong Shu of the past, and now she would rather let others suffer than herself.

However, Rongshu still underestimated the brazenness and shamelessness of the woman in front of her.

The woman stared at Rongshu, seemingly hurt by Rongshu’s words, her eyes turned red and she directly cried.

Rongshu frowned tightly, “What are you crying for?”

The woman covered her face and sobbed quietly, “Miss, I know you don’t like me taking care of your boyfriend, but I really don’t mean to overstep my bounds, I really just want to take care of this gentleman, after all, I caused him to be like this, if I didn’t do something, I would feel sorry for myself, I would feel ashamed, I would feel out of breath, so miss, I hope you can give me a chance to redeem myself and let me take care of this gentleman, but don’t worry Miss, I will never do anything else to this gentleman, I really just simply want to redeem myself and atone for the guilt I feel inside, otherwise I ……”

“Or else what do you want?” Rong Shu’s face grew colder and colder.

The woman bit her lip, “Or I will live in guilt for the rest of my life, and I might even think about it ……”

“Is that so?” Rongshu narrowed her eyes.

The woman nodded her head repeatedly, “Yes.”

“Heh!” Rong Shu sneered, “What’s it to me?”

“What?” The woman froze, obviously not reacting.

The corners of Rong Shu’s mouth curled up in a cool curve, “I said, what business is it of mine if you can’t think of anything? I can’t really leave my boyfriend in the care of a woman with bad intentions just because I care about your mood, I’m sorry, I’m not that generous!”

After saying that, Rong Shu glanced at the dazed woman in disgust, then directly pulled the woman’s wheelchair away from the hospital bed with a tug.

The wheelchair was pushed by Rong Shu, and the wheels rolled forward uncontrollably, carrying the woman directly a few meters away.

Had the woman not reacted in time and hurriedly controlled the wheelchair to stop, the woman might have been taken outside the door of the ward by the wheelchair.

The woman controlled the wheelchair and turned around, looking at Rong Shu who was sitting at the bedside, gently stroking Fu Jingting’s forehead, her face twisted up, but she still quickly collected herself and said with aggrieved and hurt eyes “Miss, you are too much, I just want to take responsibility for my own actions, but you refuse to give me this opportunity, don’t you think it’s too cold? ”

She had never thought that this woman would be so heartless.

She had even said the words she couldn’t think of, and this woman didn’t even have the intention to be soft-hearted.

Was this still the same Rong Shu of the past?

The woman’s brow furrowed fiercely.

Rong Shu used a water-soaked cotton swab to tenderly moisten Fu Jingting’s lips, not even bothering with the green tea behind her.

She knew that this kind of green tea, the more she paid attention to, the more energetic she became, and every word she said was a boastful pit for her to jump into.

She would only be foolish to fight with the green tea and jump into the green tea’s pit herself.

Seeing that Rong Shu was ignoring herself, the woman’s hand gripping the armrest of the wheelchair trembled due to the excessive force, her eyes also turned bloodshot, and her heart was even more furious.

This Rong Shu, when did she become such a difficult bone to gnaw?

Just as the woman bit her lip and wanted to deliberately stimulate Rong Shu, footsteps came from outside the door, accompanied by the puzzled voice of a*sistant Zhang, “Why is the ward door open?”

Subsequently, a*sistant Zhang appeared at the door of the ward with various documents, ready to settle accounts with the woman who caused Mr. Fu’s accident.

After all, before he went to work, he had told the woman to stay well outside and not to enter Mr. Fu’s ward.

But now he came back and saw that the door of the ward was open, and the woman who should have been outside was not in the picture at the moment, so it was clear that the woman must have not listened to him and opened the door to go in.

As he thought about it, a*sistant Zhang’s face darkened and he entered the ward in a gloomy manner.

As a result, when he came in, there was not only that woman in the ward, but also Miss Rong Shu.

Seeing Rong Shu, the gloom on a*sistant Zhang’s face swept away and he smiled in surprise, “Miss Rong, you’ve finally arrived.”

Rong Shu dropped the cotton swab, put the water cup aside and turned around, nodding slightly at a*sistant Zhang, “Yes, there was traffic, otherwise I would have been here long ago.”

“It’s not too late, with you by Mr. Fu’s side, Mr. Fu must be very happy when he wakes up.” a*sistant Zhang said with a smile.