I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 766

“Really!” The man nodded.

“Count on your understanding.” Only then did Rongshu let him go.

Fu Jingting hooked his lips and smiled lightly.

Rong Shu suddenly thought of something, a strange light flashed in her eyes, then looked at him with a smile, “Right, don’t you want to know about the woman who caused you to have a car accident?”

Fu Jingting frowned, “Why would I want to know about her?”

“Of course it’s because she’s also one of the main characters in this matter.” Rongshu continued to stare at him.

The end of Fu Jingting’s eyebrows twitched, and there was more or less an ominous feeling in his heart.

She was, it seemed, calculating something.

“Whatever she is, just let Zhang Cheng take care of it.” Fu Jingting lightly opened his thin lips and said in a light voice, “The compensation should be compensated, and the legal procedures should be followed.”

The other party was just a person who ran a red light without permission.

He would not take vengeance on that woman as ruthlessly as he would on an enemy, but likewise, he would not be so kind as to not want any compensation.

“That’s what I said, but I don’t think this is something that a*sistant Zhang can handle.” Rong Shu said in a playful tone.

Fu Jingting’s brow furrowed even tighter, “What do you mean?”

Rong Shu also did not sell, slyly looked at him and said, “It means that that woman fell in love with you at first sight.”

“What?” Fu Jingting froze.

Rong Shu rolled her eyes, then took him by the ear and shouted at a higher volume, “I said, that woman has fallen in love with you, how about that, are you very happy?”

Fu Jingting was dumbfounded, and it took him a while to recover, the corners of his mouth twitching, “What is this?”

“It’s true.” Rongshu bristled, “That woman just has her eye on you.”

Seeing the woman’s uncomfortable expression, Fu Jingting reached out and gently pinched her face, “Come on, don’t talk nonsense, do you think that when I saw that the other party was a woman, I let Zhang Cheng turn the corner instead of directly hitting her, so you thought it was because I felt pity for her, so you deliberately said that to test me?”

The woman did have a crush on you.” She said, “Who’s testing you? I don’t have that kind of heart.

Her tone was sour, but the seriousness in it was not concealed in the slightest.

Fu Jingting’s expression sank, realizing that she really wasn’t joking, and for a moment, his thin lips pursed into a straight line, “That woman ……”

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are doing.

The word “Mr. Fu” immediately made Fu Jingting laugh, and then looked at her with affectionate eyes, “My charm is only for you.”

If your charm is really only for me, then what about this woman? And what about Rong Yuan? What about those ladies in the circle? What about all those people on the internet who are screaming for your husband?”

“……” Fu Jingting was silent, no more words, until after a while, his thin lips moved and he spat out, “That’s probably because they’re blind.”

“Pfft!” Rongshu did not expect him to say such a thing and burst out laughing for a moment.

When Fu Jingting saw how happy she was laughing, he knew that she was no longer angry in her heart and let out a faintly unnoticeable breath.

A minute later, Rong Shu finally stopped laughing and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes as she looked at him, “I really didn’t expect that you would actually use such a self-defeating reason to explain your charm, but I’m quite happy, so I’ll forgive you this time.”

Fu Jingting also let out a laugh, “Then thank you, Lord Queen.”

“Lord Queen?” Rongshu raised her eyebrows, then smiled, “That’s a good name, I like it.”

The two laughed and joked for a while before Fu Jingting asked about business, “By the way, how are you sure that woman is after me, have you seen her?”

“Not met.” When I came here, she was sitting beside you, wiping your face and taking good care of you, that look, not to mention how serious, when I came in, I directly said that I was your girlfriend, according to reason, when people hear that a woman’s girlfriend is coming, they should obediently move aside, so that other people’s girlfriends don’t misunderstand, but she was good. There was no intention to move aside at all, instead she even told me not to mind.”

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

Fu Jingting held her hand tightly, “I’m sorry for putting you through this.”

He didn’t expect that his momentary kindness in letting the person who ran the red light go would cause the person he loved to suffer such humiliation.

If he had known, he would have just let Zhang Cheng run into it at that time.

Thinking about this, a cold, stern look flashed across Fu Jingting’s eyes.

Not knowing what he was thinking, Rongshu shook her head, “It’s not like I’ve suffered any humiliation, and the person I am now is not someone who would let herself be humiliated, I threw her away.”

“Oh?” Fu Jingting was curious, “How did you throw her away?”

“Of course I grabbed her wheelchair, pushed her forward and pushed her away.” Rong Shu slightly raised her chin and said proudly, “You didn’t see that woman’s dumbfounded face at that time, it made me laugh.”

Seeing the way her eyes were filled with laughter and starry eyes as she spoke, Fu Jingting’s eyes were so gentle that they almost turned into water, “Although I didn’t see it, I can imagine it, you did a good job!”

“That’s right!” Rongshu’s chin lifted even higher.

Seeing this, Fu Jingting reached out and scratched, trying to scratch the cat.

Rongshu slapped his hand away, “What are you doing.”

Fu Jingting just smiled, “You were very cute just now.”

“You still need to say that?” Rongshu squinted at him.

Fu Jingting rubbed her head and then asked, “Right, where was Zhang Cheng at that time? Where did he go? Putting that woman into my ward and no trace of himself.”

Fu Jingting said with a somewhat unpleasant look on his face, obviously unhappy that a*sistant Zhang was not there at that time.

He ordered that woman not to enter your ward without permission, but the woman didn’t listen and snuck in after a*sistant Zhang left, and then I came back not long after. I don’t know, I didn’t ask, and I don’t want to ask.”

Hearing Rong Shu say this, Fu Jingting’s face was a little better.

At this time, Rong Shu yawned, sleepiness sweeping over her.

Fu Jingting could see the sleepiness in her eyes and wrapped her in his arms, “Sleepy?”

“Sleepy all the time.” Rongshu covered her lips and yawned again, “If I hadn’t been afraid of waking you up, I would be sleeping so soundly right now.”

Fu Jingting laughed lightly, “My fault, then you go back to sleep and I won’t wake you up.”

“What about you?” Rongshu raised her eyes to look at him.

Fu Jingting locked eyes with her, “I’ll sleep too.”

“That’s fine.” Rongshu nodded a little and closed her eyes.

Fu Jingting touched her cheek and closed his eyes as well.

But the moment he closed his eyes, the cold beady look in his eyes sent shivers down one’s spine.