I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 768

“How?” Fu Jingting narrowed his eyes, his eyes filled with a frightening chill, “Didn’t she take a fancy to me, then I’ll make her apologize to Rong Shu in public in front of the whole world, and explain why she apologized.”

“Hiss ……,” a*sistant Zhang sucked in a breath of cold air.

This was letting someone die socially in front of the whole world.

Publicly apologizing to Miss Rong and stating the reason for the apology, wasn’t this making Su Man herself say to everyone that she had her eyes on Mr. Fu, provoking and threatening Miss Rong, the proper court, and wanting to be a third party?

If this were to be told, this Su Man would not be able to be net stormed by the whole world.

After all, in this world, there are the most people who hate third parties.

When Mr. Fu treated that Su Man like this, it looked like he was really angry.

But it was also true, that Su Man had not done much on her own, and since she did, she naturally had to take responsibility for her actions.

“I know, I’m going to ……” Before a*sistant Zhang could finish his words, he was interrupted by a knock on the door.

a*sistant Zhang frowned and looked towards Fu Jingting.

After receiving permission from Fu Jingting, he turned his head to look at the door and said in a somewhat unpleasant tone “Who is it?”

It couldn’t be a doctor or a nurse at this time.

Lin Tianchen had only just finished examining Mr. Fu, so he would naturally explain that the nurses did not need to check the room.

Therefore, the person who came was naturally someone else.

“a*sistant Zhang, it’s me, Su Man.” A warm and soft female voice came from outside the door.

a*sistant Zhang raised an eyebrow, “Mr. Fu, it’s actually her!”

They had just talked about her, but they hadn’t expected her to come.

And ……

a*sistant Zhang’s face looked a little bad, “Chief Fu, when I took her out last night, I specifically warned her not to appear in the hospital again, and that I would inform her if there was anything, but I didn’t expect her to actually come anyway.”

Fu Jingting’s eyes were slightly cold when he heard his words, “There’s nothing strange about that, this woman even managed to enter my ward after you left last night, so naturally she won’t listen to you and stay obediently.”

“I’ve never seen such a thick-skinned one.” a*sistant Zhang said with a grim look on his face.

Fu Jingting waved his hand, “Go on, you go deal with her, tell her what I just meant, and if she doesn’t want to, don’t blame me for being ungracious.” Fu Jingting lightly opened his thin lips, his voice cold and without a trace of emotion.

a*sistant Zhang answered with a solemn expression, “Yes, I’ll go now.”

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the door.

Soon, a*sistant Zhang opened the door and went out.

Fu Jingting wrinkled his brow and rubbed his temples.

Suddenly, the woman beside him rolled over, then an arm came out from under the quilt and just rested on his chest.

Fu Jingting paused for a moment in his hand movement, then lowered his head to look down and met the woman’s beautiful eyes that were open, “Awake?”

Rongshu mewled, her body leaning towards his arms, trying to find a more comfortable position.

But unfortunately, she couldn’t find a suitable place even after moving around, and finally simply lifted her head and rested it on his chest.

As if this was finally comfortable, she arched her eyebrows, and the arm that was originally resting on his chest was placed around his waist instead, holding him in place, “That’s not bad.”

Fu Jingting couldn’t help but laugh as he watched her hugging herself like a human-shaped pillow.

He then wrapped his arm around her shoulders as well and brought her into his arms so that she could cuddle a little more comfortably.

“Why don’t you go back to sleep?” Fu Jingting asked.

Rongshu raised her eyes and looked at him, “Do you really not know or do you fake not knowing?”

“Hm?” A trace of doubt flashed across Fu Jingting’s dark eyes, apparently he really didn’t know what she meant.

Rong Shu sighed helplessly, “The two of you talking to a*sistant Zhang, even if you speak in a whisper, you can’t hide it from me, okay?”

Fu Jingting didn’t expect that he had actually woken her up, so he couldn’t help but feel a little vain, coughing against his lips and saying, “I’m sorry, I didn’t expect you to hear it all.”

“It’s alright.” Rongshu waved her hand, “It’s not a big deal, but are you really going to let that Su Man apologise to me publicly and explain why?”

“Of course.” Fu Jingting said coldly, “If she dares to do something, she must dare to pay the corresponding price, this is very fair, not to mention, you are the person I cherish, she treated you so well, if I do nothing, then I am not worthy to say I love you.”

Rongshu knew that he was seeking justice for himself, her heart warmed up and the corners of her mouth lifted into a smile, “Then that Su Man should be crying!”

“Hm?” Fu Jingting raised his eyebrows, then coldly snorted, “She did it herself, and she still has the face to cry!”

Rongshu snorted, “Oh, I’m not talking about that, I’m saying, didn’t she fall for you, knowing that you, her beloved, personally went after her for me, she must be very hurt, so she must not cry, after all, her beloved’s revenge on herself is more heartbreaking than my personal revenge on her.”

Fu Jingting pinched her nose, “I’m not her sweetheart, don’t say that again, I’m diarrhea.”

Rongshu laughed even louder, her body trembling slightly, “Fine, fine, I won’t say it anymore.”

She laughed for a moment, her expression returning to a proper one, before looking up at the man, “But this behaviour of yours, would it be a little too serious? Even if she is not really a third party, but just a green tea who provoked and threatened me and tried to pry me out, the netizens will not be merciful, and I am worried that she might end up doing something she can’t think of because she can’t stand the violence of the internet. ”

After all, internet violence is no joke, since the internet has developed, there are many people who have died under it.

Even if she hated that Su Man, or even loathed it, that Su Man was only provoking and threatening her at the moment, and hadn’t really done anything.

So it was indeed a bit much to let someone net-violence Su Man, in case they really ended up killing someone, that would be their sin.

Fu Jingting looked at the gloom on Rong Shu’s face and knew what she was worried about.

In fact, when he had asked a*sistant Zhang to do this, he had already thought of the possible consequences.

But he didn’t care, because he could sweep it under the rug.

But now, seeing the expression on Rong Shu’s face, he hesitated a little.

“You don’t want her to say the reason for her apology in public?” Fu Jingting asked as he looked at Rong Shu.

Rong Shu hmphed, “Just let her apologize to me in public, if she apologizes to me, the netizens will also guess the reason for the apology, as long as neither of us say exactly what the reason is, the netizens won’t go too far, that way she can bear it herself, but in case she says the reason for the apology and really gets hit by a net storm and something happens, I will definitely have no peace in this heart, and will always feel that it was me who indirectly got her killed.”

“No way!” Fu Jingting hugged her tightly and said straight back.

Rongshu squeezed the corners of her mouth, “Who knows, it’s better not to be afraid of one thing than another, so we’d better not take any chances, just leave it at that, just let her apologize.”

“But, won’t you feel aggrieved?” Fu Jingting wrinkled his brows.

Rongshu smiled, “I won’t feel aggrieved if you can help me treat that Su Man like this, at least I know that you won’t stand by and watch me being bullied, you’ll help me, that’s good enough for me, and the person who adores you isn’t Su Man alone, there’s also Rong Yuan and so many other women out there, if every one of them came to provoke me, wouldn’t I be aggravated to death?”