I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 772

Fu Jingting froze, and it took him several seconds to react, his eyes looking at Rong Shu with some incredulity, “What did you just say? Accompany me to work?”

“Uh-huh.” Rong Shu nodded her head.

Fu Jingting was now sure that he had heard correctly, and the incredulity in his eyes changed to joy, “Why did you suddenly think of accompanying me to work?”

As she straightened her jacket, Rongshu replied, “Because you’re an injured person.”

Fu Jingting touched the gauze wrapped around his forehead, “That’s not an injury.”

He just hit the back of his head and broke the skin a little, just a minor injury, not the kind of serious injury that requires care and attention to do something.

“Who says it’s not an injury.” Rongshu took his hand off his forehead, “After all, it hit your head, what if you suddenly experience some kind of fainting and nausea afterwards?”

This kind of thing, who could say for sure.

Anyway, she was not at ease when he went to work.

And this she knew about him, when he worked, it was endless, and that wasn’t good for his health either.

So, she might as well go and watch for a day, otherwise this heart can’t let go.

“No.” Fu Jingting squeezed the palm of Rong Shu’s hand, “I don’t have a concussion, how could I suddenly faint and become nauseous, so you don’t need to accompany me.”

“You really don’t want me to accompany you?” Rong Shu narrowed her eyes at him.

Fu Jingting’s thin lips pursed for a moment, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes before he finally nodded, “Mm.”

Rongshu gave him a blank look, “Come on, don’t say what you mean, you actually want me to go, don’t you? Why else would your eyes have lit up when you heard me say that I would accompany you to work?” “What about your hesitation?”

Being exposed by the woman he loved to his face for what he was saying, Fu Jingting couldn’t help but feel a little embarra*sed on his face.

Well, he admitted that he was happy in his heart to hear that she was going to accompany him to work.

He only wanted to be fake and arrogant, not to let her know how eager he was.

But to his surprise, she could tell right away that he was only saying that on purpose, and that he was still looking forward to it.

However, he was relieved that she had exposed him.

Because he was also worried just now that he was too arrogant and would make her really give up on the idea of accompanying him to work in the end, then he would be left with no tears.

The first time I saw him, I saw that he was silent, so I frowned and urged him, “Come on, do you want me to go or not, if not, I won’t go, right?”

Fu Jingting took her hand, although he still didn’t say anything, but the meaning was already obvious.

Rongshu looked down at the large and small, ten-fingered hands, couldn’t help but laugh, “I say sometimes, you are obviously so thick-skinned, how come sometimes, you are so thin?”

Fu Jingting coughed lightly and said, “There are different occasions and different things.”

The corners of Rongshu’s mouth twitched, “I don’t care about you, let’s go, let’s get out of the hospital, don’t occupy the ward.”

“Mm.” Fu Jingting nodded his head.

The two of them held hands and walked towards the outside of the ward.

a*sistant Zhang was waiting for them in the hospital’s car park at this moment.

When he saw them coming, he put away his mobile phone and took the initiative to go forward and carry their things for them.

Of course, they said they were carrying their things, but Fu Jingting had only stayed for one night, so they didn’t have anything to take with them at all. They only helped carry some of the household items that Rong Shu had brought over last night and organized for Fu Jingting.

When she learned of Fu Jingting’s accident last night, Rongshu’s first thought was that Fu Jingting was seriously injured and might have to be hospitalised, so she packed some clothes and household items to come over.

What she didn’t expect was that it wouldn’t come in handy.

Of course, it was only good that it didn’t come in handy.

“Get in the car.” When he arrived at the car, Fu Jingting opened the door and let Rong Shu get in first.

Rong Shu didn’t bother to be polite with him, and after giving a hint, she bent down to get into the car.

At that moment, a sound of wheels rolling came from behind the three of them, and the next second, a warm and soft female voice also sounded, “Mr. Fu, it’s finally time to see you.”

Hearing this voice, Rong Shu’s face instantly sank.

a*sistant Zhang’s face didn’t look too good either, and he even cursed in his heart.

D*mn, why was this woman here?

Hadn’t he let her go?

a*sistant Zhang hurriedly turned around and saw Su Man sitting in a wheelchair, a trace of anger surfaced in his eyes behind his gla*ses.

Sure enough, it was this woman, she hadn’t left!

She promised that she would leave obediently, but behind the scenes she was waiting in the car park, so submissive, she was really good.

He had followed Mr. Fu around, what kind of women had he seen, but this was the first time he had seen such a disgusting one.

Even Gu Manyin was not this disgusting!

I just hope that Mr. Fu will not find him in trouble next.

He had really driven this person away.

Thinking, a*sistant Zhang looked at Fu Jingting.

Seeing Fu Jingting’s frown and icy expression, his heart immediately lifted.

Sure enough, Mr. Fu was angry.

And Miss Rong, I’m afraid Miss Rong isn’t happy now either.

a*sistant Zhang turned his stiff neck and went to look at Rong Shu’s face again. Seeing Rong Shu’s gloomy and good-looking face, a*sistant Zhang laughed bitterly in his heart.

It seemed that this meal was not going to happen!

“Who are you?” Fu Jingting narrowed his eyes and stared at the woman in front of him, knowing in his heart who she was, but deliberately pretending not to know, his voice cold and without a trace of emotion.

Rongshu gave Fu Jingting a look.

She did not believe that he did not know who this woman was.

After all, a*sistant Zhang had said that the person who had caused their accident was a woman in a wheelchair.

Even though he hadn’t seen the woman’s face, the iconic wheelchair spoke volumes.

So he clearly knew who this woman was, but he deliberately pretended not to know, then it could only be said that he had deliberately given this woman no face.

Thinking, Rong Shu lifted her foot towards Fu Jingting’s side, and the bad mood she was in when she saw Su Man, now turned from cloudy to sunny.

Su Man didn’t expect Fu Jingting to ask who she was, so she was stunned for a moment.

He didn’t know who she was?

How could that be!

She didn’t believe they hadn’t told him.

So now he was deliberately trying to put her on the spot?

At this thought, Su Man’s expression stiffened, and her hand gripped the armrest, squeezing it hard, obviously furious.

But on her face, she didn’t show it, and her reaction quickly picked up her smile again, as if nothing had just happened, not embarra*sed at all.

“Hello Mr. Fu, my name is Su Man, I’m the one who caused your accident last night.” Su Man looked up at Fu Jingting, guilt written all over her face.

There was a flash of mockery in Rong Shu’s eyes as she came to Fu Jingting’s side, holding Fu Jingting’s hand and looking at her with a smile, “So Miss, are you here to apologise?”

Su Man’s eyes fell on Rong Shu’s hands clasped with Fu Jingting’s, her eyes darkened, fleetingly, and she nodded with a smile, “Yes, I’m here to apologize to Mr. Fu.”

Saying that, she looked at Fu Jingting again, only to look at Fu Jingting with an even more guilty expression, “Mr. Fu, I’m really sorry for last night, if it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have been hurt, it was all my fault, I’m really sorry!”

She bent down and bowed towards Fu Jingting, with a look that did not ask for his forgiveness, she really looked so much more endearing.

If some men who preferred this type of man, they might have actually picked the person up on the spot and forgave.

The first thing you need to do is to look at the man with a warning look in your eyes, as if you dare to be a little soft-hearted, I will make you look good.

Seeing this, Fu Jingting gave a low laugh, “What are you thinking?”

He flicked her forehead.

Rongshu hummed, “I’m not just thinking, a lot of people eat this up, so if you eat this up too, I’ll make sure you look good!”