I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 796

Secretary Tong took the papers, carried the thermos and went out.

After she left, Rong Shu leaned back in her chair, raised her hand to pinch the bridge of her nose and breathed a sigh of relief.

She suddenly realised that during this period of time, Secretary Tong’s nature had changed a little bit, ah.

In the past, Secretary Tong was a serious teacher who was all business and said little but did more, with little expression on his face, making people baulk at the sight of him.

But now Secretary Tong is different, he is not so serious and stereotypical anymore, his personality has softened a lot, he can also laugh and even joke with her.

For example, just now, she even dared to flirt with her.

Although the change was not too obvious, the black lady’s suit and a-line skirt were still the same as before, but underneath her feet, there was no longer a pair of black thin heels, but a pair of flat, soft-soled single shoes.

However, Rong Shu didn’t think much of it and just a*sumed that Secretary Tong was tired of wearing high heels and wanted a new style.

Although Secretary Tong didn’t dress up often, she was a woman after all.

As long as a woman is a woman, there is no one who does not love beauty.

As she thought about it, Rong Shu shook her head and smiled lightly, then picked up her mobile phone and prepared to tell Fu Jingting about the soup she had asked someone to send over.

But before she did, Rong Shu also looked at WeChat to see if there was a reply from Fu Jingting.

But unfortunately, Fu Jingting still hadn’t returned the message.

This showed how busy he was at this time.

Sighing, Rong Shu’s fingers clicked rapidly on the screen and typed.

After she finished typing, she looked to see that there were no typos before she clicked send.

Once the message was sent, she logged out of WeChat and picked up her pen to start working on her work.

On the other hand, the large factory owned by the Fu Group.

Fu Jingting finally finished inspecting the various departments and workshops of the factory and came out of the factory gate wearing a white protective suit.

When a*sistant Zhang saw him, he walked over quickly, “Mr. Fu.”

When he had just inspected the factory, he had not followed him in, but stayed outside to deal with Liu Long’s matter, and only came here to wait after he had finished.

Fu Jingting took off the protective clothing he was wearing and threw it to a*sistant Zhang, “Have things been dealt with?”

“Yes.” a*sistant Zhang nodded as he held the protective suit, “With that recording, Liu Long and his men will naturally no longer be able to defend themselves, and those heard that I had reported to the police, the police also contacted the commercial disciplinary department to arrest them, they were so scared that they naturally gave an account of the other things Liu Long was doing behind the scenes, this time, Liu Long will not be able to escape ten years in prison. ”

Fu Jingting thin lips hooked up a cool arc, “I once looked at Liu Long is Fu’s patriarch’s sake, implicitly reminded him, let him not have should not have a mind, people should serve old age, do not grab positions with young people, will be hated by young people, but he did not listen in the slightest, ended up in such a situation, also he asked for it.”

He prided himself on not being a good man, but he was not a bad man either.

He had always been tolerant and kind to those who had served the group well.

As long as they behaved themselves, there were times when he could give them the utmost respect and honour.

However, there are always those who think he is easy to mess with, who jump out to provoke him and seek something that does not belong to them.

Since that was the case, then don’t blame him for not showing any mercy.

The cold cold aura in Fu Jingting’s eyes flashed, sending a chill down his spine.

“No.” a*sistant Zhang nodded approvingly as he followed behind Fu Jingting.

He couldn’t understand these people’s brain circuits either.

If you own shares, you don’t have to do anything, why not just lie there and get paid?

They have to come out at their age and fight for power and profit.

He didn’t even see if the few percent of shares he had in his hand could wrestle a little power from Mr. Fu.

Even if he gets some power, who will he pa*s it on to after he dies?

To those few losers in the family who only know how to eat, drink and play?

In short, people who jump out and act like demons when they can’t see what’s in front of them or the future deserve to end up like this.

Liu Long is now sixty, and when he gets out of jail, he will be seventy, and his body will definitely be ruined when he gets out, so why bother?

a*sistant Zhang skimmed his mouth, his eyes full of contempt for Liu Long’s group.

“Right Mr. Fu, you guessed right before, Liu Long knows he can’t turn around now, he really plans to sell the shares in his hand, and the person he chooses is Chen Tao, wanting to provoke the greed in Chen Tao’s heart, so that Chen Tao will become the second him and oppose you in the future.” a*sistant Zhang followed Fu Jingting to the front of the car, telling off as he walked.

Fu Jingting narrowed his eyes, then sneered, “Then he’s got the wrong person, Chen Tao won’t agree.”

a*sistant Zhang also laughed, “Mr. Fu is right, Chen Dong indeed did not agree to take over those shares in Liu Long’s hands.”

“That’s certainly true.” Fu Jingting pulled open the car door and got in, “Chen Tao is a person who is drunk on art and has never gotten his hands on any bit of power in the group for decades, much less ambitious like Liu Long, Liu Long still doesn’t know Uncle Chen well enough, does he think that all the shareholders in the group who don’t have power and positions are as ambitious as he is?”

“What Mr. Fu said is, Liu Long doesn’t even know that every year Director Chen will look for you, Mr. Fu, to hurry up and buy the shares out of his hands so he can take the money to pursue his artistic spirit.” a*sistant Zhang pushed his gla*ses and smiled “Speaking of which, this year, Director Chen is also coming over to you to sell his shares, right?”

Fu Jingting’s face also slowed down slightly, “That’s not good, I still need Uncle Chen’s help to sit on it, how can I let him go so easily? ”

The Chen Tao is also a senior member of the Fu Group, the same group as Liu Long, and is also the second largest shareholder of the Fu Group, holding five percent of the shares of the Fu Group.

Liu Long knew that he had lost to him and was desperate, and wanted to leave him a foe to disgust him, so he was prepared to sell three percent of his shares to Uncle Chen, thinking that in this way, Uncle Chen would become ambitious and fight with him as well.

It is also true that for a shareholder of a mega conglomerate, to own eight percent of shares is definitely a lot, and a normal person would start to develop some ambition and greed, and would no longer be satisfied with the previous state of being an idle shareholder with no power and no discretionary power over the group.

Therefore, Liu Long was actually right to take this step.

It was just that Liu Long had failed to calculate that Uncle Chen was not a normal person. From the very beginning, Uncle Chen did not have the intention to stay in Fu’s family and had no ambition for money and power.

Therefore, it’s a wonder that Uncle Chen would buy Liu Long’s shares.

Uncle Chen could not wait to lose the shares he was holding to him so he could pull out and leave.

It’s just that he needs some of the old shareholders to stay in Fu’s, to show the outside world that he, Fu Jingting, is also a person who remembers the old days and is not the kind of tyrant who replaces all the old shareholders and does not allow his old ministers once he is in power, which is why he has not agreed to let Uncle Chen go.

But the shares in Uncle Chen’s hand had long been reserved by him. When Uncle Chen reached his age, he would naturally buy the shares in Uncle Chen’s hand and let him go.

When a*sistant Zhang heard Fu Jingting’s words, he gloated and laughed, “Then Dong Chen should be angry and blowing up again this time.”

“Buy him the latest set of oil painting tools and he won’t be angry.” Fu Jingting said lightly.

Apparently, he had coaxed that old shareholder that much every year.