The Real Dragon Chapter 6558

  Zhou Japheth knew that Jacob Wilson must have hated himself for having offended him in the first place, in fact, that was not his own intention, it was only in order for Charlie wade to get the Nine Xuan Heavenly Scriptures, he had no choice but to do so.

  Thus, he arched his hand towards Jacob Wilson and said very frankly, “Mr Wilson, in the past, it was someone Zhou who had offended more than he should have, but at that time, the situation was special, and Zhou was also working for someone else, and there were a lot of things that he had to do to force himself into a corner, so I would like to say sorry to you here.”

  Said, he took a step back, bowed slightly to Jacob Wilson, and said, “I hope you have a lot of adults, don’t have a general understanding with Zhou, in the future, Zhou may have to stay in Aurous Hill for a long time to beg for a meal, I hope that we can abandon the former suspicion and become friends.”

  Jacob Wilson laughed: “It is no problem to discard former suspicions, it is impossible to become a friend, you are so unlucky, I am not good to hold a grudge against you whatsoever.”

  Said, he turned, cold voice: “But well, this Aurous Hill, is not you want to stay can stay, after this thing, you in this industry should not be mixed, if I am you, I will hurry to clip the tail to leave Aurous Hill, and even leave the province to go to a thousand kilometres away, no one knows you place, to start again, perhaps there is a mouth to eat. “

  Zhou Japheth smiled:” Zhou how to eat in Aurous Hill, I don’t need you to worry about Mr Wilson, just hope that after you leave from here, don’t target Zhou again, Zhou first said thank you!”

  Jacob Wilson bristled, “I’m a big man, I’m too lazy to bother with you, you’re on your own!”

  Said Jacob Wilson looked at Zhou Japheth, a look of hatred, smacking his lips, “Tsk …… I thought you were an expert, did not think so water, really spoiled the fun ah, forget it, go home, bye!”

  After saying that, he turned around, put his hands behind his back, and left Zhen Bao Xuan with a leisurely and complacent pace.

  Zhou Japheth looked at his back, sighed softly, and secretly thought, “Seeing him now this posture should have been satisfied, and won’t bother with me anymore, but if I let him know how much this thing was sold for, I’m afraid he will hate me even more than before ……”


  Seeing that Jacob Wilson had left, Charlie wade did not stay any longer and also came down from the teahouse and left the antique street.

  When Charlie wade returned home, Jacob Wilson took a step ahead of him and just parked his car.

  His whole person glowing, night can be seen that the face shiny, white and red, good not moisturised.

  Seeing Charlie wade, Jacob Wilson smiled and said: “Aiyo good son-in-law, you are also back, have you eaten?”

  Charlie wade casually said, “Eaten, how about you dad?”

  Jacob Wilson touched his stomach and smacked his lips, “I’m busy earning money, I haven’t eaten dinner yet.”

  Charlie wade knowingly asked, “Yo, dad is going to do business today? Seeing your state of mind, business should be going well.”

  Jacob Wilson smiled smugly, “That’s right, I haven’t made a move in a long time, but I definitely won’t go empty whenever I make a move.”

  Saying that, he pushed open the door of the room and said to Charlie wade, “Go good son-in-law, go into the house in front of your mum and Claire, I’ll have a good talk with you guys!”

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