Am I a Gigolo

Am I A Gigolo as the name implies is an Interesting novel. The name of the story pretty much defined the story but they’re Alot of plots & Twists. It’s a very thrilling novel. When you start reading, you’ll wish it was completed.

Am I A Gigolo Novel Synopsis

Am I A Gigolo

At her engagement party, her fiancé had betrayed her.She announced she wanted to take revenge on her fiancé.

sneak peak

Hot, very hot, uncomfortable like fire all over ……

Feng Qianxue was like someone lost in the desert who just wanted to be nourished.

The man’s lonely, cold lips pressed down, invading her hard, making her feel sweet, and she reached out to hook her hands around his neck, demanding more and more.

Beastly, ragged breaths filled the room, shadows on the walls overlapping and undulating, emitting a fiery scent ……

In the dim light, Feng Qianxue could not see the man’s face, only that he was fierce as a beast, seeming to devour her.

It was not until dawn that the man got up and left.

Feng Qianxue opened her sleeping eyes in a daze, and in her blurred vision, she could only see his slender and straight back, and the hideous wolf head tattoo on his back waist ……

The tattoo was lifelike, a fierce wolf with a bloody mouth, as if it wanted to eat people!

It made her fearful ……


Feng Qianxue seemed to have had a dream in which she was transformed into a vine and entangled in a large tree, unable to stop.

Status: Ongoing

Latest Chapter

Mistaking a Magnate For a Male Escort Story Chapters List

Chapter 1 – 830

Chapter 831-1430

Chapter 1431-1700

Chapter 1701-1900

Chapter 1901-2100

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68 thoughts on “Am I a Gigolo”

  1. I’ve lost without updates to my favorite novel to binge! Mistaking a Magnate for an Escort!! Loving it!!!
    When do you expect 1291+ to be available?

  2. this chapter 1701 that am seeing here. does this mean there will be no more chapters after this. if it will be the end of the novel then it’s ok but if it’s not then pls upload more chapters till the end of the novel plssssss

  3. Admin thanks for the update. Please I begged you post more than 5 chapters a day because am on the edge of developing BP ooo, the suspense is killing me. Am alway tense and anxious every time am reading this particular one. Thanks

  4. Where’s the update for today?

    P.s. to author: kudos for the great story. Hopefully you’ll release many chapters a day and cannot wait to read the ending of the story:

  5. Very good story i can’t wait to read more chapters. Salute to the writer you have such a broad imagination and it feels like the every eventbis for real!

  6. Read till chapter 1660, it’s so addictive ; kindly share the rest of the chapters too
    How frequently do u upload n how many chapters at a time?

  7. I really like this novel. I hope to receive daily update. I finished Chapter 1780. I hope to receive succeeding chapters, hope more chapters daily.

  8. Thank you for this interesting book. Do please update for readers on time in other not to lose interest .
    This book” Mysterious male escort is a mogul” is different from others . Update for us from chapter 1817. Thanks

  9. The second part of this story is so more interesting than the first one. Gosh, I’m so, so eager to read how this folds out.
    Thank you for updating the chapters 🙂
    PS. Please, if possible, update more.

  10. I love this novel and the way is writting the chapter, however I would like to know the chapter update process is every 2 days I daily except on Sunday.

  11. How often are the chapters updated? I’ve just donated so that I can continue to read Mistaking A Magnate For A Male Escort. I just completed chapter 2067. When will the other chapters be updated?

  12. Goodday!
    I.send a donation i hope i can proceed on the next chapters.

    Its been a day since i last check the website and it is still in chapter there anything i need to do?


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